That's really good to know! Thanks for sharing that. You may want to post this news in the Dealers & Pricing forum, too, to help others. I didn't know that, either! Thanks for sharing.
Just bought my '12 yesterday (white, 38 miles on it). They only had the one, and it was a trim 2. I would have been ecstatic to get a trim 4 for your price. I paid $19200 delivered (tax, title, tags), so it works out to about $17,700 for the actual price paid to the dealer. -Edit- They didn't mention anything about a sale or specials. This was my first new car purchase so I played hardball and am lucky enough to have 6 toyota dealers within an hours drive of me.
Prime. I was actually down there today picking up the little gift card thing and service manual a month later. Naturally the 19### was not including dealer tax tag title fees etc. (and their lovely 299 document preparation fee lol) A lot of people have asked - Toyota ran a 1k instant rebate offer in April (and I think May) for instant rebate on the Prius C. I bought the last day in April, and seemed to remember being disappointed I rushed into because the rebate was still on Toyota's website for May as well. They might have run it until supplies last in May, assuming they were trying to hit some inventory number.
Have to admit that I do like mine unadulterated... I used to have a couple of small window stickers on the back of my old Corolla and even had spares to place on my next car, but then I got my c and couldn't do it. I like her how she is. Welcome to the club!
2012 C's are all over the place in the Cincinnati region, too. And there are no incentives on them according to I haven't even seen any dealership Internet price movement, either.
I bought the last 2012 at my local dealer on April 5, Got a total of $4000 off. It is a silver 3. I have added window visorers, blacked out the bumper/grill, added Bad Boy air horns, installed mud flaps on rear and added an overhead dome light in rear hatch area. I really love the car. Photos attached.
Looking good uncle Sam! How did u go about doing the blackout bumper? Or did u just bring it to a shop?? Galaxy Nexus ? 2
Got them off Ebay. B2FiNiTY has a thread about them , tells where they are found. They are Taped on but work greak. I have used this type for years with no problems. These were $29.99 plus shipping i think. Good luck
Teacake - if your seriously looking, I just bought mine from Kansas (im in the NKY area near Cincy). The dealer sold me my 2013 cII for 18,988. Also got 0% for 60 months. He has the deal on ebay again (I contacted him directly though). I just got done driving home with it! (he can ship for roughly $400 to our area) I did a one way cheapy flight though. Search item #: 290939703909
Toyota Australia has an official accessory slimline weathershield that may also be worth checking out and trying to find. Several Australian dealers do sell parts on e-Bay... it'll cost you more than $30 though. Toyota Prius C accessories
My dealer was offering me ~$24400 for a 2012 C 4 after license and registration. He was marking up the MSRP to $26000 and pretending he was giving me a $4100 discount to $22300. I walked off since it seemed too much. Please help a potential new Prius c owner with any advise.
Not that great to me. My '13 pc3 was $21700 + tax and license prerebates and included moonglow, carpets and moonroof Edit: make sure you know about all possible rebates. I got $1500 in rebates from Toyota loyalty and college grad Galaxy Nexus ? 2
and to me your deal wasn't that great. My PC4 was $22,858, but from everyone's experience on the forums, mine was just about the lowest I have seen for a 4. If he can get that price with no fees or any other hidden charges, then he will be great. I've definitely seen worse on the forum.
I've definitely seen better for a pc3 than my deal. I'm simply saying 24400 for a car that's already a year old isn't a great deal. If it was a 2013, it's considerable, but not great Galaxy Nexus ? 2