Well, rage is rage, I'm not saying people don't act like a$$ holes. It helps to remember we all have 2 amendment rights. If you threaten my life or my family, or my property, I have options, so do you!
We better start passing another hat...... moving closer in my area means you start talking thousands and thousands of dollars difference in purchase price. 20 miles closer = another $50-100k for a townhome. If not more.
You know Bob, for someone promoting a happier life thru a more relaxed outlook, that sticker belies your professed opinions...
OK, here's the new law as it appears in a sidebar in the Jacksonville, Fl. paper: (Google is your friend) New left lane speed limit law F.S. 316.081 Driving on right side of roadway; exceptions, added a new subsection which amended the law to clarify drivers may not drive slower than 10 mph below the posted speed limit when in the far left hand lane on roads with four lanes or more when the driver knows or reasonably should know another vehicle traveling at a greater speed is attempting to pass in that lane. It does not apply to drivers who are overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, or is preparing for a left turn at an intersection. So, it doesn't seem to affect any lanes other than the #1, or "fast lane." And it only seems to matter when someone behind you wants to go faster. The old adage "keep right except to pass" would seem to apply here. If they need a law specifically in Florida in order to write tickets for obstructing traffic, I guess this would do it. But if you are driving 2 or 5 mph below the speed limit in the fast lane, aren't you still obstructing traffic? For my part, I "go with the flow" in the lane in which I am driving- 55-60 in one of the right two lanes with the trucks, and up to 70 in the HOV lane when there is one, and rush hour traffic establishes the need to use it. (If the HOV lane is moving at a speed exceeding 70, to me that means the regular lanes are doing OK, and staying in the HOV is inviting a ticket. Speed limits in metro areas in Calif. are typically 65 mph max.) I prefer to allow extra time to get where I need to be, and find it to be less stressful to stick to the "truck lanes." It doesn't seem to matter whether I am driving my PiP, Lexus, or Miata- I still get tail-gated occasionally. Some people just like to drive like that. So what I do is increase my following distance in order to give us both a little extra time to stop if necessary. I wish more of you good drivers spread around the country lived here in So Cal.
No one reasonable could have an issue with this. It seems logicial to me. If I'm going to pass someone by moving to the left lane and not less than 10 mph below the limit, I'm legal. Now, if I'm legal, how about the jerk that had been speeding and has crawled up my rear end. What law protects my car, family, my safety against those raging bullies?
I think the more we elevate these muppets to 'raging bully' status, the closer to it they become, rather than just the inconsiderate oafs that they actually are.
so you can drive 55 in the left (passing) lane on a 4 lane highway in a posted 65mph zone, knowing that others are trying to use that lane to pass, and it's legal? i thought we were talking about the right lane.
Let me fix that for him...... If I'm going to pass someone by moving to the left lane and not more than 10 mph below the limit, I'm legal. Now, if I'm legal..... (I think the not more than 10 mph reflects the comment made earlier about the perceived notion that cops won't ticket you unless you are going +10 mph over the speed limit). The law seems to be aimed at removing "road boulders" from the passing lane. I applaud this and hope it is ruthlessly enforced. A lot of the "grief" I get when I'm going 55 - 60 mph in the far right lane is because the person raging behind me is upset that he can't go as fast as he wants. The problem isn't that I'm going 55 - 60 mph in the slow lane, but that there are cars in the 3 other lanes, all driving the same speed 65 - 70 mph and there isn't room for this person to go faster. He was making great time in the slow lane until he came onto my bumper......now he's mad at me for holding him up,instead of being mad at the people in the #1 lane for clogging it up. Misplaced anger.
Bob Hahn and Bisco, You may be "legal" at less than 10 mph below the limit while driving in the far left lane only until a faster driver wants to pass you, and it is "reasonable" for you to know he wants to do so. Codyroo, I see the type of driver you describe from time to time as well. You can see them rapidly cutting in and out of lanes all across the freeway, passing everybody they can. That's also the style of driving that will attract the attention of our good friends the CHP.
“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?” ― George Carlin
The weaver's are the worst. But the more common anger I come across is the person who can't pass in the #1 lane and finds the far right lane is moving more freely. If road boulders were removed from the #1 lane so that guys that really feel the need to speed/pass/get speeding tickets could drive that way, then my commute would be so much more pleasant. But sometimes, people need to chill. When all lanes are clogged (but moving at the limit), flashing your bright lights, honking, gesturing, tailgating isn't going to help. If the guy in front of you moves over to the right (and that would also mean that people to the lane to the right of him will LET him into THEIR lane), you've got another 5 miles of cars in front of him, doing the same speed, following the same distance to bully your way past.
It always been against the law to go to slow. VA is 15 or 20 MPH below the posted speed limit. If your driving may cause an accident may be you should be more considerate.
Stay in the right lane if going slow. I think that's the law in most states. Stay out of the center lane.