Those combo limit signs exist, just only on some highways, and about half the people go faster than the maximum anyway. Whatever, I guess.
My only problem is about the people who say about driving their Prius, "I don't care what anybody thinks," or "I'll drive like I want," etc. My problem is that this attitude reflects on other Prius drivers, which includes me and others on this message board. That might be an unintended consequence, but it exists. And I do care what people think and will drive accordingly. If your next statement is that you don't care that your actions reflect on your fellow Prius drivers, then I'll just leave you alone. Mike
Yesterday on the 57 freeway northbound near where the 91 freeway intersects I saw a guy in a Prius move over in front of a Toyota pick up truck. The truck was doing about 65 and the Prius about 50. The guy in the truck couldn't move over due to traffic so he was stuck. The Prius owner never increased his speed because I would guess he pays taxes, too. Some day he'll do that to some distracted driver (texting her boyfriend) and the Prius driver will end up attending his own funeral. I would guess that's why people dislike people in the Prius. If I have to move over in front of faster traffic I either hurry back to my lane or get with the flow.
It's just another stereotype though. Everyone around here knows that Caddies hog the left lane and never use turn signals. Lowered Civics are driven by punks, and only rednecks lift their trucks. Where does it end? People drive like jerks no matter what they're in. Half the time they don't even realize it because their so stuck in their own world while cruising down the road, thinking about work, vacation, etc, etc. Nobody is perfect. We complain all the time about the other drivers. How perfect are we, who drive "normally" to the others?
I can't wait to hear what a "driving car" is ... as opposed to a what ... "non driving" car? ;-) Don't tell me you've fallen for the BMW malarkey ... ultimate driving machine marketing ploy. A driving machine ... how funny - last time I checked - any driving machine referenced, is a car. Even the marketing ploy that they call "handling" is a joke. Even my 911 would have slide off the hairpin curve and over the cliff if I would have ever hit gravel. A better definition of handling would be giving a driver a false sense of superiority so that ultimately it could lead to his/her own demise. BTW - back in day we used to have a Mercedes 300E. Before I would ever miss label a car as a driving car I would miss label the 300 E as a pig ... both for its sluggishness well as its hideous mileage. The thing is - the good folks at Mercedes have this notion that if you can afford their overpriced monstrosity then you can afford to pay way too much for fuel as well - in addition you also have to pay a purchase price penalty fee for Mercedes' being out compliance with C.A.F.E. standards.
Back in the 2002 days, BMW owner behavior was far better. Knowing owners just winked headlamps at each other.
But in the real worlds eye the list you mentioned aren't typically in anyone's way. The Prius driver...even though I drive one, half the time they are in my way.
So, are the "just drive normal" critics upset about speed limit drivers, below speed limit, or both? And I don't care where you hail from, there is not one single "normal" speed on the freeway. The flow of traffic varies about 20 mph across all lanes. Which "flow" you pick is up to you? Have you ever watched freeway traffic from the air? Perception is not reality! I try to be courteous to other drivers by: Not driving less than the speed limit. Of course, if the right two lanes "flow" is less than the speed limit, then I go with that flow. Stay off the left lane unless you are passing. Period!!! Move over one lane when approaching freeway exits. Drive Smart. Stay alert as to who is around me. I'm willing to bet that 90% of Prius drivers follow that. What I think is going with this thread is: 1) A few of the posters still drive "like you stole it" and their perception is that eveyone else should as well otherwise you are "impeding" traffic. 2) There's quite a few "new" members who I think are trolls here to stir the pot. 3) As mentioned above, we all stereotype based on the actions of a minority. Just doing my part to getting us to page 7 ;-)
Those days are long gone. Just the other day, one of the local radio stations used the way BMW drivers drive around here as a topic.
Seriously, Americians have always acted like spazzes over slower drivers. And long before the Prius ever was produced. The old VW beetle actually had a hard time doing 65 up a small hill. People are just stupid, they call others names like Sunday driver, you drive like an old man, slow poke, so it's not about the Prius. It's just the people in a rush, pushy people, control freaks, impatient people, those who think their life is far more important than yours. These folks tail gate us, pass us in anger, cut people off, exceed the speed LIMIT and have no consideration for you, your car, your family, your pets or property. They don't give a shlt about anything else except get the eff out of my way. It has nothing to with Prius it has everything to with self obsessed, ego centered, selfish, human beings that only give a shlt about their life. So from now on I'll speed up and then, I bet thier whole life will be much better. NOT. However I will smile at them, and remember what they look like as they pass in anger. Only so I can smile again at the next red light!
Yeah damn Prius driver. I feel sorry for the distracted driver, if only the attentive Prius driver has been going faster..... We all understand the enormous time it will save the other drivers if we just go faster. At all cost, go faster, break the law, cut people off, through safety to the wind. Drive faster, take chances, crash and burn, but for God sake get with the flow. I use to own a sports bike, a fast sports bike. Now I own a Honda GoldWing. I enjoy my life doing the Speed LIMIT. what is it about the law people don't get? When the sign says Limit! You get on a plane- one bag limit. You get a movie ticket one person limit. A free drink limit one. You get a phone with a certain limit on data or time. Geez, just stop blaming others and follow the freakin law. I know everyone breaks the limit from time to time, but people just get insane with the hurry, hurry mentality.
Which is all well and good until the road rage starts -- whether due to driving habits or more recently, charging habits.