Hi-test. I'm from the old country. You know, the 50's-60's. Hi-test is another name for Ethyl, Premium, 91 octane, 93 octane, or more if you have it in your are (usually Sonoco gas). I can't imagine a Prius requiring anything above 87. He's new to Prii. He'll come around eventually.
No arguing w/in 100 miles. He's been listening to me talking about my C for the last year and got tired of the fuel bill for his Monte Carlo. He wound up driving into the parking lot w/a new Prius a week or two ago. I think he might just see a higher compression ratio than he's used to seeing and automatically though "Premium Req'd." I'm not sure he's gotten to his manual yet.
sorry I meant, no debating needed with your friend, I didn't mean between us. Monte Carlo to a Prius.. wow!
"Hi Test" is an old fashioned expression for hi octane gas (not as old as "filler up with ethyl") haha... As far as I know, all prii should be running on 87.