Would this work? A red triangle for the Prius and a sign to warn all others. I don't drive slow because I like it. With a Prius Plug In, I drive 62 MPH to stay in EV mode. Once I exceed EV range, I speed up, but within the speed limit.
I like the best of both worlds: I really enjoy the reduced cost of driving the Prius and the fact that this is conserving a few minuscule drops of natural resource in the grand scheme of things...every little helps: partly selfish and partly unselfish motives. I suspect many of us are the same. Sometimes I enjoy a slower and more sedate drive, and sometimes I like to drive a little faster if I want to get somewhere. I have a radar detector in the Prius, and regularly drive over the PSL if I feel it is safe to do so and would not endanger anyone else. I also ride a sport motorcycle, have done for over 40 years, and enjoy quick riding on that too. If I am driving in such a way that I am holding up the flow of traffic, I will speed up if it is not to a ridiculous speed of course, and if I am comfortable doing so. I do not think of the additional cost in gas in doing this, it is so negligible. The point is, we are all a little different, we all have our 'ways', what we are comfortable doing, and that is OK. I find it ironic that in this thread about this supposed 'Prius Hate' there is discord between the 'hated'!!!
-1-, Yeah, Go with the flow of traffic. Don't be an obstacle that every other driver has to get around. Maybe you should have bought a car that better suits your commute, like a Volt. If it's a money thing, maybe you should not have bought a +$25 K fuel efficient car. And Mmodem,,, your wife and kids must be so proud that you are the left-over dog at work, just to save a buck-and-a-half !! Come on Guys, show some class, act normal on the roads,,, at the very least! Thanks,
Wow, thank you for proving my point succinctly. I'm glad you have the class to afford $1.50. Where's that donation hat again?
That was not classy. Pat- When we bought our house (10 years ago) I was moving closer to work. However, work had a site shut down. I'm not going to constantly move, just to be closer to work (and who knows how long I will work at anyone place.....the company can terminate my contract at anytime for any reason (at will employment). To get into a school district of equal quality to the one I have now (in the East Bay) on the peninsula would require an additional cash infusion of about $500,000 beyond what our house is worth (in order to get a comparable home....I'm not talking a mansion here, I'm talking about a 3 bed, 2 bath, 1800 sq. foot ranch style home). Living further away was a compromise. I'm trying to minimize the environmental downside of the compromise as best I can.
If you go over the limit, you'll get a ticket. If you go 10 mph under, you'll also get a ticket. So the drivers are expected to pass with max of 10 mph difference?
On most highways with more than 2 lanes in each direction buses, truck and trailers are not allowed in the left lane. So likely the center lane you were in was his fast lane. Also remember that the gearing and acceleration on a truck, especially when loaded is very different. Depending on the truck's set-up it could have a dozen or more gears. Slowing down like what you describe would likely make the drive shift down a number of gears and loose a great deal of momentum.
I think that the context of original post has been completely lost. The law makes sense and I don't think it's unreasonable since it's applied relative to the posted speed limit. Unfortunately, because of their own pet pet peeves, a few members have used the platform to preach to the membership that we should all drive like them. The biggest danger on our roads today is speeding distracted drunk drivers. ... Or at least that what I think it said. So, don't post on Facebook when drunk while speeding on the freeway! In the words of Rodney King ... "Can't we all just get along?"
^^^Well I hear you above. At the same time, there is a movement in states to increase speed limits, and it sounds implied that some drivers/legislators seem to feel passing is by definition means you are allowed to go over speed limit. Meanwhile this higher speed is in some conflict with higher MPG national goals and conserving batteries in Plug_ins. I guess the Feds say we need to purchase high MPG cars, but they did not say we actually have to drive 55 mph to actually achieve high MPG with them. It is perhaps useful to understand the speed/MPG conflict, and I think right now speed is winning over MPG as the priority for many drivers we share the road with.
You're not the only one who does this. My wife works at a clinic. Drug reps are always providing them lunch from restaurants. It's usually set up buffet style with the restaurants providing large pans of food so everyone can make their own plate. At least once a week, she brings leftovers home. We get the equivalent of a $30 restaurant meal for free.
You could reduce the length of each car too. Cut the average length in half and you could get twice as many on the highway in the same space. This works best when all the cars are stopped on the highway. My bicycle ride to work on surface streets, sidewalks and bike trails will be easier with all those short cars parked on a long highway and it will be a breath of fresh air for the environment when they all run out of gas. Problem Solved
Hey, I just ordered a personal License Plate Frame: "Sorry for Driving So Close in Front of You" - of course, others suggested: "Back Off, *!%#!! Go Around!" But, not to offend anyone, Arizonians wear their guns into Family Restaurants!