Now I've had my PC3 for about a month now. I've always wondered why the armrest's lid is so thick. Then I found out, by my brother accidentally kneeing my armrest from the backseat, that the lid can slide forward! Maybe I'm just the only person here that doesn't know that... But I hope somebody found this helpful Galaxy Nexus ? 2
Just saying, most don't read their manuals. Just like most people didn't know holding down the "mode" button mutes the stereo. Or that when unlocking the door with the physical key, turning it twice will unlock all doors. Galaxy Nexus ? 2
And also on the Arm Rest, the floor inside it is really a cover that can be removed to hide small things.
I love the hidey hole. I found out about the sliding armrest on an earlier thread dedicated to the sliding arm rest. But it's way down on the list and I'm sure people will figure it out from this one as well.
Yeah, freaked me out the first few times I used it as a support by putting my hand on it and lifting myself up to readjust my seating, and the support slid forward. I wouldn't even consider it an armrest since it's all the way behind my elbow, even when slid forward. And it won't even fit a travel mug, so it's like, why couldn't they have made the top a little wider? D'oh
I think we've possibly just about reached the critical mass required to start thinking about writing up an FAQ for our beloved c.
Yea, I figured this out later on too just by pushing on it from the back seat once. Either way, now it's just a more comfortable elbow rest.
john170a made a pretty useful guide for the regular Prius and I found it very useful (here's the Iconic one as an example: John's Stuff - Toyota Prius User-Guide (Iconic)) A version for the c would be useful as you guys can simply direct any questions to this document.