Florida has a new law on the books as of today (July 1, 2013). You can be ticketed for going "too" slow, ten or more miles under the posted speed limit. I'm on the edge. Most of my daily work commute is highway. I travel EV to and from work. My average speed is 61-62 MPH in a 70 MPH zone to stay in EV mode. I live in Virginia, but those in Florida, everyday is now potentially a life of crime.
Where in Va? I've commuted around N. Va and now roll into Loudon county. I'd still seriously fear for my safety at 10 under, unless its with traffic. I think you're very brave and I'm glad you're able to maintain good mpg ;-)
Fed Speed limit for 18 wheelers - isn't it 55mph? Who'd wana drive 10mph slower than that on the Freeway. Nothing better than driving behind an 18 wheeler doing 55. The guy behind you sees the truck in front of you, and can't be upset, because he sees the truck in front of you is doing the speed limit. So you save mpg - and no one gets stressed ... life is good. .
This is nothing new. There are many places highways are signed such that vehicles incapable of traveling at a reasonable speed are prohibited from using. You can also be ticketed if going too slow and blocking traffic under several statutes.
South Richmond, VA. I travel I-295 to work and home. It's fairly light traffic and driving 61-62 MPH normally isn't an issue. Last Friday, I was in the center lane because of a on-ramp with traffic merging in the far right lane. The 18 wheeler came right up on my bumper, had a clear left lane, and finally passed. He gave me the HONK of death. I called him a few choice words as he passed. I inadvertently sped up and the ICE came on. With a clear left passing lane, no need for anyone to be upset.
I don't mind being universally hated. The people that hate me don't pay my gas bill. I drive 55 mph in the right lane where the speed limit is 65 mph and get honked constantly. When EV is used up, I drive 65 mph in the right lane and get honked constantly. I'm done trying to please other drivers.
We should sticky this thread for all the "Why do people hate Prius drivers?" threads when they pop up. Even here in rural 2-lane highway land, doing 10+ under the posted limit is going to, at best, raise some hackles and, at worst, cause an accident. If you want to go slow, stay off the freeway, that's my opinion.
I should have posted recent article: New Jersey and several other states are considering fines for left lane "slow pokes". Slow pokes means anyone not passing and generally not going with the flow of faster traffic, even if that flow is above the speed limit. The rationale is to cut down on the potential road rage caused by the slow pokes.
Aside from the $64/yr hybrid fee, Governor McDonell has been quite agressive increasing speed limits around the state. I had a uncomfortable close call on Rt66 West recently where I experienced a very hazardous left on-ramp...out west of Manassas. It would be interesting to study our traffic fatality statistics in North VA, last 4 years vs. prior 4 years. The HOT lanes construction (Beltway now complete) was a nightmare too. I would like to see those stats (safety) too.
Some of you guys are so D** CHEAP. Come on, spend an extra $1.50 a week and go with the flow. We can pass the hat if it's a money issue.
everybody thinks they are Jimmy Johnson until they have their own high speed crash. Pass the hat ? ...sure for your funeral? ... anything ... the sky's the limit Speed kills .
And what about those of us who are trying to conserve our natural resources the best we can. I have a crappy 65 mile round trip commute. The best way for me to mitigate my impact on our natural resources is to find the most efficient tool for the job and then use that tool in the most efficient manner possible.
Even at 5-10 over the limit; 65 in Pa and 55 in Md and Va, I still see between 49 and 53 at the pump, on 17's, 100 miles each way. While I commend the guys that go under in the interest of mpg, where do we draw the line and how much is really saved? I really believe I'd cause a wreck on Rt 15 or 7 if I did 10 under, some days even the limit. While I'd love to see firsthand what the savings may be, I'm way to scared to be the only one moving that slow. Like -1- stated though, if traffic is light and people can get around easy enough, may be worth a try.. Once ;-)
I think this is simply a tough one. If there is traffic, then you really should do your best to drive the posted speed limit. But on the flipside, it's hard to give someone a hard time for driving under the speed limit when other's are driving over the speed limit as well. Fast, and reckless driving in Northern VA has gotten bad. Even at 65mph in a 55mph zone I have gotten cut off in multiple vehicles. I also have started picking out less traveled more scenic routes to places I go. I don't have to drive as fast, I'm less stressed, and it helps with the gas mileage. In the days of the rat race, I think we would all stress a lot less if we started leaving on time to go to work, didn't race light to light, and drove the speed limit. At the very least it would save lives.
See this is part of the issue I have with all of this. Even driving the speed limit you get run off the road, so because 10% of the drivers are doing 20mph over, does that mean the rest of us need to follow suit just so we don't get run over? We are civilized human beings, not a bunch of lemmings. I believe the bigger issue is that most of the people on the road don't take anyone but themselves into consideration. If Joe Blow is only comfortable driving 50 in a 60mph zone, I don't care as long as he is in the right lane not the passing lane. What are we in such a rush for? So we can savor the 10 seconds earlier we get to the parking lot at the office? -Marcus
And if saving precious resources, money and safety is paramount to you personally,,, <35 mph can not be beat! Any thing higher is dangerous and costly.