Hello everyone. I currently own a 2010 Prius II and love the car. However, I am seriously considering a Prius C. Is this a crazy thing to do? Several people have asked me why I want to do this. I drive about 70 miles a day RT to work. My drive is about half interstate and half city driving. I live in SC so the temps are fairly mild except in the summer! I have always felt that my Prius is a little too big but that is just because I have been used to driving subcompact cars in the past. I have a child that is old enough to ride in the front seat but I am still nervous about the safety of the subcompact car. I think the main reason that I am looking to trade is because my car is getting older-it has about 45000 miles on it. I know that isn't old but I do put a good number of miles on the car each year. Also, I can get the payments to exactly what I am paying now with no money down. I still have 3 years to go on my current loan. I like the idea of having a brand new car that is loaded with the fancy tech stuff that mine doesn't have for the same money each month & cheaper car insurance. So, basically I am asking you guys if this is a wise decision or I should just stick with the car that I have? I have never had any problems with my car & I hope that the Prius C offers the same reliability. Since half of my drive is the interstate, is there going to be some huge difference between what I experience now with my 2010? Will I need to attach a trailer when I get groceries? Lol! Thank you for listening to my rambling and I welcome and appreciate any advice or recommendations.
First I would test drive the C to be sure you'll like it. It's significantly smaller inside and out. Be sure to simulate the same driving conditions you experience daily. Next, if you want all the high tech stuff, you'll likely want to get the C Three or Four since you already a Prius II. What stuff do you think you want - Bluetooth? A larger car will almost always be safer than a smaller car since you will have more mass around you to protect against injury in a crash. To me, getting a new car just because you want something new is likely a poor financial decision since you'll never be rid of a car payment. You are likely at this point starting to get to an equity position in your current car as you pay it down further. Have you thought of having your car detailed so it will look like new, then see how you feel?
A) I don't know that the insurance will actually be cheaper... B) You won't need a trailer for groceries... the trunk space is like the T.A.R.D.I.S.
Thank you for the responses. I called yesterday and got a quote with my insurance company and they told me that my prices would actually drop a little bit (nothing too significant) since I would be getting a new car discount. I am kinda thinking the same thing about the financial aspect of it. I don't think that I will never have a car payment. It has been my experience that when you get the car paid off, that's when the costs really start coming in with the repairs and the replacements. However, I am thinking that it probably isn't the best decision to put nothing down on a car. I am just torn about this and feel like the most indecisive person on the planet! Maybe it would be better to just keep the car that I have for another year or so (until it gets to around 60,000) and then trade it in? Please forgive my ignorance and all my questions!
Im not sure what gas mileage your getting on yours but I have a C and do about the same type of driving as you 60 miles a day and its have city half highway and I get 58 to 62 mpgs everyday (for the last 8 months). Ive had 4 people in the car a bunch of times its not idea but it works. I would say if thats what you want to do go for it its a good little car.
I don't think anyone here is going to be talking you out of the c being a worthwhile car (of course absolutely have a good look over one yourself and take it for a drive), however I think I also have to wonder if you may be better off keeping with your current Prius a little longer. From your posts I'm getting the feeling that your current car is meeting your needs and you don't have an overwhelming factor pushing you to get rid of it (yet). Another factor to consider is that if you put off switching for awhile, if you're lucky you might find more features being added to later versions of the c. A nice new car is a nice new car and if the c's smaller size appeals to you and meets your needs, it's certainly up to the task (and has a very loyal fanbase here). You'll likely not see much difference in economy on the highway as the liftback has less aerodynamic drag to offset its higher weight. In the city the c does typically have a slight edge but coming from a Prius you're not going to be saving megabucks this way.
I would wait to buy. With only 45K on yours you still have many reliable miles left. Cars are good to 100K at least. Not much of a difference in gas milage Your car is larger than the C. Why switch?
I think you guys are giving me the push that I need! It does seem like it would be a much better investment to just keep it for as long as I can keep it. I hope I can get many more miles out of it without any problems I had a bad experience with a car before (not a Toyota) and the engine pooped out on me as soon as the warranty expired. I have had this paranoia ever since that something bad is going to happen as soon as it reaches that milestone which is silly I know! The safety issue is a big deal and a deciding factor for me. Considering that I transport precious cargo (my child) daily, I want to make sure I make the safest decision possible and I think that sticking with the 2010 is going to be the best thing for me. Thank you again for your responses and helping me think this thing through!
No problems... and now you've joined PriusChat if you ever have any questions about your Prius, there's lots of friendly people over at Gen III (2010+) Toyota Prius Forums | PriusChat
Thank you. I have been a lurker in the past so I will have to head over there and check it out again!
Never trade a newer car in on the new one. You can sell that Prius to someone and get way more than the dealer will pay you. Plus, they can weasel the number to make it look like they're doing you a favor. The dealer will try to give you 3K under trade value or juggle the numbers to write it into the new car. Either way, you loose. And don't fall into the trap of buying all the junk they push in the finance department. It's all junk with very little value. The prices of the products are 10 times higher and they won't do anything, except give the dealer free money from your bank account. Place an ad on Craig's List after researching the value of your current car and see if you get anyone interested. Make sure and add in some haggle money on your asking price. Maybe 800 dollars. This will give you wiggle room without losing money. If you can sell it for a good price, you just might wanna buy that new C. I would also recommend a C3. The smart key and push button start are mandatory, IMO Good luck with your decision Your car books for $14,800.00 as a private sale. If the dealer offered 15K with no back door shenanigans, it would be worth trading it in, IMO. You'll be taking the loss of buying a new car and selling it before the curve.
Honestly, I wouldn't do it. And this has nothing to do with anything against "The c". But 45,000 miles is nothing. Plenty of life left in the vehicle you have. If 1/2 your driving is interstate, then I actually think the regular Prius is a better choice. I think the regular Prius is a little more comfortable and a better vehicle for interstate or highway/freeway driving. Add to it that you have a child and I'd much rather drive the vehicle classified as a mid-size as opposed to the vehicle that is a sub-compact. What real tangible advantages does suddenly going to a small compact provide? The gas mileage in mixed driving is almost a wash. Unless you simply enjoy driving a compact a lot more? I don't see a whole lot of reason or advantage in this proposition.
Here are thoughts from a ealership manager.(afterIU sold my company and retired.) First, the life of a Prius is close to the 'normal' life of good cars, Toyota and Honda in particular. 150,000 miles before anything beyond normal replacement - brakes, oil, filters, etc. Your 2010 Prius with 45,000 miles lists at 12,500 average trade-in. wil commamd a good value as a trade-in. Consult NADA, and other tade values (not retail, wholesale) and considcer selling it on autotrader or ebay. Just make sure you sell it "where is, as is". I agree, go drive a Prius c and see how you like driving it. I gert a trifle better mpg with my C2 that another guy here with hs gen I and I can travel with full gear for race weekends. Folded down the back searts carry a full set of mounted race tires! As for buying, now is a good time there are lots of 'coupons' for Prius C. Do your homework to get invoice' price for the new car and the difference to the trade-in ( wholesale) price of yr 2010 Prius. Add a couple hundred dollars 'profit' (dealer will get his fuill measure when that 'dxocumentaion, prep, transfer' added dealer profit shows up on the sales sheet, along with tags, taxes, and state fees. good luck.
I think car reliability has come way up in the past few years. My son is still driving my 2001 Acura TL with 250K on it. The dealer fixed the trans for free at 120K. Had to pay for new timing belts at 100K and 200K. My Honda's all had at least 150K before I thought about getting rid of them. Toyota has the same reliability from what I hear. All the best!