I just had my bumper replaced this last week. They had to paint the hood and sides by the hood to ensure color match. It just rained here yesterday and now my Prius has these weird spots all over. Some seem kind of tar like but scrubbing with a strong soap and textured cloth does nothing to remove them. Most feel smooth and only a few seemed raised. I was wondering if any of you have an idea what could have caused this? I have never had this happen before!
Rail dust is what that looks like from my phone. Use a claybar and it should clear it up. Fingered from my phone using Taptalk version 9 Beta
Rail dust on brand new paint that only appeared after it rained? It is just weird that all of a sudden I would get so much when I have never had it happen before!
It does look like tar and I wonder if you were parked in an area that was recently resurfaced or drove over a resurfaced roadway? I would try mineral spirits, sometimes sold as bug and tar remover. Go at it gently as you don't want to abrade the surface. No doubt more opinions will follow.
Ohh I have misread your post! Maybe its oxidation from poor paint prep. Is that just on the fender? Fingered from my phone using Taptalk version 9 Beta
It is on the bumper, hood, and driver's side fender mostly/ side. It could be tar as I did pass some road construction but it just seems strange that this would be the first time I have had this problem. I will try some bug and tar remover tomorrow. Thanks for you guys help!
Is that safe on a car that was painted a week ago? I know clearcoat needs time to breathe and I am worried about damaging it!
Sorry i gave the wrong product. It is Tarminator. Good question. My guess is that it wouldn't be any worse than the tar (if that is what it is). It pretty much melts the tar away pretty quick and then you rinse. But your best bet is to probably ask the paint shop before you do damage.
New paint , I think has to cure, if it was my car , I would have the body shop look at it And either remove the spots or tell you what to use or not use... Good luvk