My passsenger side rear wheel hub assembly needs replacing and I am having trouble removing it. I have removed the rotor, the 4 bolts holding the hub, applied generious amounts of pb blaster, and struck it vigorously with a 3 pound hammer. Please help Also, if someone could tell me how to release the abs connection I would appreciate it.
Try taking a pry bar for use to work the hub apart from the axle beam going from side to side. When I did the front hub, it was seated into the knuckle pretty well. I had to bang on it with a rubber mallet a few times and then used a pry bar to separate the hub from the knuckle. According to the service manual, after undoing the brake components and speed sensor wire, you just have the four bolts to remove.
The ABS sensor on the rear hub has a tab on the bottom side, IIRC. However, the entire connector is covered by a protective shell that must first be removed before you disengage the connector. You may have better luck with hub removal by screwing the bolts back in 1/2 way and hitting the bolts themselves. This places the "shocking action" in the right place. iPhone ?
Don't want to divert too much but what manual is the jpeg shot of? I've been using AllDATA DIY and find it not to my liking.