Those old beasts were heavy too. Looks like about a 19 or 20 footer so 3,000+ lbs dry with no cargo or liquids in it. Easily 4,000+ lbs loaded.
What an adventure, do you have anymore info? I just noticed it's a GenII. That's even more impressive.
A friend just took that picture at Silverdale Costco. He spoke with the owner, a hippie, he claims he gets 40+ mpg, I have to call BS on that. That's all I know at the moment.
I hope he has trailer brakes. I would like to see his MG1 MG2 temperatures after a nice long hill climb.
Me too. I bet that I Coolant res is just a boilin'. What a freakin' tough little car the Gen II is right?
Are those Corolla steel wheels on the car? The tail isn't dragging, so it must have stronger springs in back.