It it neither fake, nor a UFO. It is a lenticular cloud; ie, lens shaped, like a lentil bean. While these clouds typically form above or downwind of a significant vertical displacement on the surface, mountain, mountain range, etc, they can also form somewhat randomly between two layers of stable air anywhere in the atmosphere. Lenticular Clouds: Strange UFO Shaped Clouds! Lenticular Clouds Lenticular cloud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I saw some pretty gnarly ufos when I lived in the uk. My dad was there when they were shooting the green lasers into the nuclear bunkers. Rendlesham Forest incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Rendlesham Forest Incident
Low quality picture taken into the Sun. Before the photgrapher "dehanced" the picture it look like an MD-80 or similar aircraft in a turn with part of the aircraft lost in the glare.
Looks like an insect flying past, its wings blurred in the shutter. I'm sure this has been discussed ages ago on similar 'ufos'. Google it.
I'm going to rule that out based on scale. To be that large compared to the castle in the OP picture, it would need to be extremely low and close. If it were smaller, with focus fuzziness more consistent with the castle detail, then I'd like this possibility. So I'm voting 'cloud'.
It would help if the Lenticular Aliens would confirm they are using Lenticular vehicles. That way both side of the discussion would be correct.