For the past 2 years, my 2010 Prius has a terrible problem when I go over a bump. The front end feels like it is about to fall apart and the rear end "creaks" when I turn and there is a bump on the turn. I have taken it back to the dealer a few times and the repair dept. always says the same thing "we couldn't duplicate the problem". Has anyone else had a problem with their Prius like this? What could the problem be?
You should probably insist that you take them out for a drive so you can duplicate the problem for them. When you say "The front end feels like it is about to fall apart...". What are you trying to describe?
The front end vibrates and rattles when I hit a bump. Toyota has already replaced the steering column, thinking that was the problem.
Maybe you have blown struts? Only other thing I can think of that might cause that. Is there any excess fluid around the front struts?
Check out this YouTube video to help further diagnose for blown struts/shocks in general. If its in fact this... I'm not sure how they missed this on a road test unless they didn't hit significant bumps. How many miles are on your car? In general, these should last 50,000-100,000 miles really depending on driving conditions and driving behavior.
After watching the video, it seems that my Prius has the opposite problem. My Prius doesn't take bumps at all. It feels like their isn't a strut/shock at all. When I go over bumps, it is a VERY rough ride. Also, I hate the fact that my brakes fail through bumps.
Its possible for your car to have the opposite effect. Instead of the piston inside of the assembly freely moving, it could be seized which prevents it from compressing or rebounding at all.
That sounds more like it. Thanks for that information. I feel better going into the service center with some knowledge of the problem.