I enjoy road cycling recreationally, and having a 1000mi drive coming up in a couple of months (and getting sick of sticking my bike in the trunk), I decided to pull the trigger on a Thule T2 hitch rack. (I had a Curt hitch installed last year in preparation for this.) I put it together last night, and it's really solid, but super heavy. I took it off this morning because it was going to rain, and it certainly wasn't easy to bring inside (weight + awkwardness). I'm used to hanger hitch racks that I can carry on my shoulder. I also considered the Thule Helium (40lbs lighter!), but I really wanted a platform rack. I've seen on here that other Prius owners have used the T2. After x months/years, how do you like it? How is your hitch responding to the weight? There's a bit of vertical play in the receiver after the rack is installed. Should I be worried? Is there a way to fix this? Does anyone leave their bike rack on permanently? A hitch lock was included, so I'm mostly concerned about rain ruining the rack and a big economy reduction (I already get ~37mpg due to primarily taking short trips ).
I am looking to getting that rack. But I'm debating on which hitch mount to get either the hidden hitch or the eco hitch SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 ? 2
When I was looking for a rack that was one of my options, but steered away due to the weight. Its extremely heavy as you know cost a ton and ive read reviews that it starts to rust a bit. I purchased a sportrack premium rack. had it over a year. Its under 30lbs folds up easy, and since its light its not a bitch to take off alone. This rack locks the the bike in place and also comes with a lock for the hitch too. Not to mention its half the price of the T2. SportRack 2EZ Premium Hitch Platform System - SportRack Hitch Mount Bike Racks p.s. sorry OP didnt mean to jack. Hopefully Jhay-R takes a look at this.
I actually have that rack made by xport. It locks but I'm afraid of whet the tires lock into place those can be taken off easily. I was looking at the thule because I don't have to take bike off to get to my trunk on my current setup I.have to take the bike off. Plus I don't plan to leave my rack on the car. Just only when I ride and also for security purpose that I know it's locked on SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 ? 2
I had the T2 on my Prius and like you said it was too heavy. It is a great rack and it's sturdy...I would hope so since it weighs so much. But, I sold it and got the Helium. It also has a cable lock that you an secure your bikes. It has a built in lock mechanism to lock the rack to the car. It does just a great of a job and a lot lighter. You will also get better MPG because of it. The Helium lets you tilt it down so you are able to access the hatch even with bikes. I suggest you return he T2 if you can and look for lighter options.
I just bought the 2013 Yakima Hold Up. Though it's just redesigned, the weight has not changed. In regards to weight, another light upright hitch mount rack is the Kuat Sherpa. It's around 30 lbs vs 50ish like the T2 and Hold up. I find the weight to be negligible on my drive. The hills around take more of a toll than the hitch. Besides, staying healthy is well worth the tenths in mpg loss. In regards to weathering. It's metal so it will rust regardless but it should function just fine just keep the pivot points lubed.
I just installed the Curt hitch and decided on the T2 counterpart, the Apex 4. Rather than the "hold" type of rack, it's the "hang" type. It's 16 pounds lighter (42 verses 58), but still very solid. The advantage with it is you can easily relieve some tongue weight by removing front bike wheels (assuming you have the quick-release) and putting them into the cargo area inside... when transporting 4 bikes on the heavy side.
Got the same one too - SportRack 2EZ premium. Thule had bought the company and there is a thule rack just similar to the sportrack 2 EZ premium now.
The issue I have with the hang type is how it must use the top tube to secure it. The great features of the "Zero Contact" type of hitches is they are secure and can accommodate a very wide range of bikes(disc, 20-29", interupted top tubes)... and on top of that no scuff marks(carbon bikes).
Fortunately, carbon bikes don't have a weight issue. How any type bike would get scuffed? The soft rubber pads & straps are very bike friendly.
I wish you were right, but carbon bike definitely get scuffed up. It's from the miles of vibration. But if it's not a concern to you, then it's not an issue. I've always favored racks that didn't touch the frame. I've used fork mounted roof tray forever and they keep the frame free of any marks as well. Now the hitch rack, we also gain the benefits of aero and ease of loading. Win win!
Are you sure that the newest soft rubber mounts on top-of-the-line model do that? This new I just brought is a dramatic improvement over my old one. The rack makers take comments like yours seriously, since it quite a competitive market. I can't imagine their ever-improving designs not addressing that.
It's just common sense to me. Grip anything that has a finish and clamp down.. then vibrate it, there will be a mark of some sort. At the same time, there's a reason why racks like the T2 and Hold Up are very popular. No touch is a one of those reasons aside from it's being most secure.
I have a Kuat Sherpa, which is lightweight and well made. Can hand tighten onto the hitch. Really have to clamp down hard on the tire clamp, which is a bit tricky if the the bike has fenders. (I could never be sure whether the center mounted clamp styles, like 1-up, would work with all types of bikes.) After a quick look around at the major makers' websites, I really like the design of the new saris freedom: http://www.saris.com/en/bike-racks/vehicle-racks/hitch-racks/freedom.html?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage_images.tpl&product_id=258&category_id=8 Unlike almost every other platform style rack, it clamps from below and will clearly work with almost any bike, with or without fenders, etc. It is even more lightweight than the Kuat Sherpa, and looks easier to use.
There isn't any rubbing. Inspect newest rubber mount closely. It has a cushion design. Rather than play being between the bike and the mount, it's between the mount and the rack. It's a really clever approach.
Where ever there is contact, it will leave a rub mark which I consider that rubbing. The Apex 4 uses a very basic strap design that's been around. If you have ever mounted accessories(light, computer, etc) on a bike, you will find even that leaves marks. Those items almost weigh nothing. On the Apex 4, you not only have vibration but have to control sway as well. They use a vertical strap to try and control that. If it's not a concern, no worries! No compare is that regards against the the zero touch design like the T2 or Hold Up.
T2 is not zero touch. You are choosing to secure via the tire & rim rather than the frame. Choice is good. With the purpose of no marking whatsoever on a bike, what accessories do you use? I couldn't imagine a practical long-distance ride without them... water bottle, supply bag, bike lock, etc.
You are right, T2 and Hold up strap just the rear rim. That's the same as fork mount tray. This design is still not relying on that strap as Apex style does. In face you can loose that strap on loose and it will be fine. As long as it doesn't jump the wheel tray. Come to think of it, none of my accessories touch the frame. water botter are to hole that are raised, and saddle bag to seat rails. Bike lock? lol! are kidding me? I think the kind of riding we do maybe quite different..
Theres also a discount code for rackattack.com avail.....bikeforum13. Used to be 20% but someone just confirmed its now only 10%