You guys are making it look like I got a real deal! I have been addicted to reruns on my Kindle Fire lately and I am watching a TV show from 2001. They were passing a gas station in one scene and it was something like $1.50 a gallon...makes me so sad.
Here in L.A. I paid $3.989 for my last tank(Regular at Costco. I think California leads the nation in price a dubious distinction.)
I pumped gas for a week when I worked at a Hess, right out of school. regular was .24 and diesel was .16
Now that has me beat. Hess I never see that gas retailer in Sourhern California , but in Long Island NY there was a few in my area.
The lowest I remember it being was 99 cents. But, I grew up in Northern Arizona and gas was never a bargain.
NAU. I went to UA for a semester but decided it was too hot and too far from Flagstaff and I needed to be home.
Oddly enough, even though I grew up in Flagstaff, I do not know how to ski. I went cross country skiing with my class during a winter camp we had to attend in sixth grade, but I wasn't the kid ditching class to snowboard or downhill ski at Snowbowl. Too aware of the risks of broken bones, getting caught, or disappointing my parents, so I never missed a day of school for anything other than illness and even then I was begging for homework. Now I drive a Prius, so I guess I have always been practical and far from the risk taker! Okay...I do keep driving even when my car says I have zero miles to I can get my first official 600 mile tank. Not much over 600 miles, but it is progress.
When gas prices were cheap, I didn't have much of a budget. If I needed money, I just asked my Dad or babysat more. But, it does make me wonder if people griped when gas was a $1.00? I wish I could gripe that gas was a dollar!! The only time we get cheap gas is when we do some big home improvement project because our Home Depot has a gas station. So, we have gotten gas for something like 14 cents a gallon, but we had to re-carpet most of the house.