I have a 2010 Prius. Lately it has been in the 80s and 90s here. After my car has been sitting for awhile in the heat (usually during the work day), there is a strong vibration when using brakes. The vibration occurs after I have come to a complete stop, and lasts for 2-3 seconds. After 10-15 minutes, the issue stops. On cooler days I haven't noticed an issue. Any ideas?
It is a whole-car vibration of something you feel in the brake pedal? Is there an audible noise with at?
That is weird. If it was just the pedal, then it would be an indication of the ABS most likely, but a whole car thing is a bit odd. Is your battery low when this happens? Do you have the A/C on when this happens? Odds are that if you take it in, the problem won't be obvious to the people there, so first things first, try to figure out what conditions cause it.
Are you completely stopped or coming to a stop, like creeping along? If you are moving slightly, it might be "cogging" or stuttering of the electric motor. I feel that quite a bit if I just release the brake enough to move. Although I have noticed it less since I replaced the ATF last weekend.
Or could it be a brake pads and rotor issue? How many miles on the vehicle? Check your brake pads material and see if its worn down, and check your rotors for any scrape, pit or groove marks. That could be a possible problem since it only happens when you brake.
I have the same issue and it seems as if it only happens with the AC on. It vibrates just after I come to a complete stop. I'll be taking it to the dealer soon. Just hit 10k miles.
That's the air conditioner condenser cycling on and off. All cars do it. You just notice it more on the Prius because the engine may be off. Or if you're low on battery, the engine will vibrate to life. On particularly hot days or when the car has been sitting out longer, the AC has to work harder too cool the interior so there are more instances of vibration. Perfectly normal.
I can't notice that little electric AC compressor cycling at all. If I'm outside the car and press the remote AC button I can clearly hear what little noise it does make. It is not a vibration at all. The OP is talking about a whole car vibration at rest, that leaves out brake pads and rotors also. Very curious problem. Will it also do it if you switch to park while it's happening? Keep us informed !!
Not normal in my old 08 Prius. Same conditions and no vibration. It has nothing to do with the compressor cycling. The vibration occurs when the brake pedal is cycled during a complete stop. I can do it over and over again. I can't believe the compressor cycles as I push the brake pedal?