Looking for the easiest way to remove the emblems and badges from Prius to plastidip and reinstall?? Any suggestions
Plasti dip them when they are on the car. Search YouTube for instructional videos on how. There are plenty.
for the front and back, it's easy, you can use a credit card from the side and the clips just pop right off, for the sides, hybrid and Prius emblems, you can use a heat gun to heat up the sides, than take clear fishing wire, and slide it behind the emblem for easy removal, cause they're all attached with double sided tape. I found it easier to plasti dip with the emblems removed, but that's just me.
The front and back circle T's evidently come off, and go back on, pretty easily. Most of the rest don't and are easiest plasti-dipped in place. I ruined my HSD badge when I de-badged it.
It probably is easier to paint them while off. I painted mine off too because I had to take them off for the vinyl wrap.
I'm just starting to do little mods to my new 2013 Prius and will move to more and more as I go. Thanks for all the info. Still a noob at some of the cool stuff I've been seeing and reading about one here
Where can you find the real thin double sided tape like the tape that comes on the emblems from factory? When using fishing line does it still leave some tape on the car after emblem is removed? If so can u jus roll it off with your finger? Doing this in the morning