I never got to finish my message. The software disabled editing. I started my post, the phone rang, I saved the message, answered the phone, when I returned to complete my message the post was closed to editing.
really she questioned her own husbands masculinity? Sounds like that's a match made in heaven. I'm guessing they're already down the road to divorce anyways...
Yep From my point of view: I'm a seaman and in English we call our boats "she". Hence I never had a problem to handle the female vehicle However in my native language "Prius" sounds more masculinum. Whatever...
Masculinity seems to be defined by horsepower. It doesn't matter if it's a small sports car, or a truck lift 8 feet off the ground; if it is 400+ hp, it seems to grant the man driving it at least some respect from other males. That being said, what kind of man buys a Prius over a machine with unnecessary amounts of horsepower? Simple; a man who is well informed with at least some education and has accomplished enough in life to realize that no vehicle adds even an ounce masculinity. Any man who tells you differently has nothing else to offer, and for those who would judge me by what I drive; those are people not worthy of my time. There is also a car called the Smart Car; however when I take a close look at it, I don't see anything real smart about it. If anything, the latest generation Prius has earned that title. There are a lot of Prius haters out there. Is it because they fear change? Is it jealousy because we get 50+ mpg? Is it because it makes them feel powerful when their 400+ hp truck overtakes a Prius? The truth is, most of them (95%+) have no justified reason for driving a vehicle that has so much unused horsepower at the constant cost of mpg. Only a small percentage of people driving these vehicles use them on a weekly basis for pulling horse trailers, or can be seen at the track on the weekends racing their daily driver. Everyone else is just throwing money out the window and contributing to pollution and increasing the cost of our limited resources. Could Toyota make a Prius commercial to appeal to the guy who only buys the same kind of vehicle that all of his friends have, because he's afraid to be ridiculed by them? No. The problem doesn't lie with Toyota, but rather the guy. In fact, if Toyota made a commercial showing the Prius racing around the track towing a 36 foot Airstream and passing a Porsche 911, then it might have turned me off from the Prius because I know that that kind of power is power that is always produced, and thus a waste of energy for myself and most everyone else. Thank you Toyota for not letting the masses force you to compromise the efficiency of the Prius. The bottom line: If you're the kind of person to worry about what other people think about you based on what kind of car you drive, then you lack confidence. You may want to consider signing up for some skydiving lessons, go on a month long expedition to Mount Everest, sail across the Pacific, take some off-the-grid trips to places like Myanmar, or someplace that most would never think about going to. I promise you that your confidence level will increase significantly and you'll make your larger purchase decisions based on your real needs instead of what your friends think is cool. T-P
Is The Prius a masculine automobile? Let's just get this over with, like ripping a bandage off a bleeding man nipple. No The Prius is NOT a masculine vehicle. Why should I bother defending it? Toyota can't seem to advertise it without cartoonish bunnies and Pine Tree's swaying while singing castrated odes to the meek environmentally friendly wonderfulness of the Prius. Even within Toyota, it is never really said, but it's when it comes to The Prius's masculinity, it's don't ask, don't tell. Ask yourself, why did Toyota equip the Prius with a horn of such a meek auditory quality that it would be an embarrassment on a amusement park bumper car? Why did they make the Vehicle Proximity Noise System sound like a emasculated version of George Jetsons hovercraft? It's because Toyota knows....Toyota knows if you are a male driving a Prius, you don't care, or you've given up. You've got Bambi remastered on Blu-Ray, and you might tell yourself it's for the kids, but you've watched it more than once, and a few times when the kids didn't even want to watch it. You're not part of the Hunger Games anymore...except for gas savings and lower emissions, the odds are never in your favor. If you ever thought the phrase "It's Better to Burn Out than Fade Away" was the height of casual wisdom? You now find yourself smoothly and efficiently accelerating up to the posted speed limit and thinking to yourself, "Fading away ain't so bad". This has nothing to do with your sexual orientation. You can be a Ex-Marine, with 8 kids and a Wife of 25 years, but if you're driving a Prius? You've got designer Tea's in the cupboard. Tea's that promise to gently put you to sleep, or slowly awaken you...many with fragrances that rival the ancient perfumes of Egypt. And secretly, you've come to enjoy them more than that paint peeling cup of coffee you use to start your day with.... And summers coming. Isn't it about time to get a new pair of man sandals? The Prius is efficient. And lets be honest, Masculinity has never been particularly efficient. There are easier ways to get a piece of gold than to become a Pirate but historically masculinity has demanded that we don't care. Raise the damn Pirate flag, man the cannons, bring her around and we all are drunk and happy tonight or dead and drowned. With the Prius? It's gone. The warm purr of a large Internal Combustion Engine that can be coaxed into a throaty growl and then a mighty roar with the sudden application of the accelerator....The Prius says "Nay Kind Sir, Perhaps by chance, you would like to depress the "Power Mode" button? But be forewarned good gentlemen, that your gas mileage is likely to decrease, thus in good eco fellowship we cheerfully recommend limited usage. Fill up with two Pip Pips remaining!". You want to compensate for something? Or the lack of something? Try a Dodge Diesel Pick-Up. Dodge's damn logo is a Rams Head on a Stick...you don't get much more masculine than that bit of heathen imagery. And efficiency? Well if you even ask, you're not man enough to own one. Unless you are blindfolded, chloroformed and dumped in the show room, don't even try pulling into a Dodge dealership in a Prius. The Dodge Truck is what you take when you want to abduct the person brain washed and in the cult to take them to a safe house for de-programing. The Prius is the vehicle everyone in the cult piles into to go to the mid-summer festival and love in. And again? Toyota knows it. Why else do they put the Tundra in commercials where it flexes its muscle pulling the Space Shuttle under the bright glare of the masculine runway lights? Meanwhile consult your Prius owners manual, your vehicle isn't even recommended for any towing. Hell, your not even suppose to put a bike hitch on it. I'm surprised that within the owners manual the warning against towing doesn't include the word "silly" as in The Prius isn't designed for towing "silly". Take a look at your glossy brochure, you are suppose to be putting Gardening supplies in the hatch area. Preferably a few bags of soil, some garden gloves, a trowel and some pretty, pretty flowers. But you ain't hooking up to the Space Shuttle for a runway pull. That Toyota leaves that for "THE TUNDRA" not "the prius". So hop in The Prius...."Silver Linings Playbook" is playing at the local movie theater. You can catch Iron Man some other time. I think Gwyneth Paltrow drives a Prius, so that supressed fantasy where you meet and have an affair at the Prius Convention is barely still alive.
The VW Beetle is a girly car. The dealer gave me one to drive while repairs to my Jetta were being completed. It was very light blue. I slinked down in the car & drove straight home & ran in the house. Wore a ski mask when driving back to the dealership. I love my DARK BLUE Prius!
This is the best post I have ever seen! It deserves a much wider audience or it's own sticky at least. I've already printed a copy for my wife and one for co-workers!
post: 1809976, member: 100838"]So are the CEO and nurse men or women? Was that your point?[/quote] ---''--รท Sn frm mSAMNG-SH sg Tatalk 2
Sweet! What year? I had a 64 Beetle when I was in Germany. No one thought they were girly over in Germany.
Yeah...asking that question is completely pointless. If they starting outfitting the Prius in the same way they do with the Scion brand, it may finally have some options that steer it towards the opposite direction. But, my other half isn't exactly yelling shotgun to drive the Prius, so he can drive the manly Escape Hybrid instead. I don't think any version of the Prius is cool per se, but it is cool not to have to go to the gas station once a week.
Not sure as I took this at a VW show but looking at the registration I'd say 64/65. My lad has just passed his driving test and has a 1971 that he loves so I'm expecting a life long attachment to them now lol
Hey, Good job, a little older than I thought. I had a lot of fun for two years with my 64, good times, good memories, Thanks!