My sister was drunk and pee on the back car seat. Yea i know, disgusting. I am so upset now.. First thing, i cleaned with dawn dish detergent + water. Not sure what else to try diy. I am thinking mixture water+vinegar+baking soda but worry about staining the car seat..Also worry it soak pretty deep that is too late but yet urine is sterile. What i shouldnt put on it? Last resort is enzyme cleaner asap thanks.
Umm...How do I clean drunk female urine out of my passenger seat? :x - Tilted Forum Project Discussion Community
thanks. i have try Nature Miracle but the smell is horrid and lingers for weeks... Its dry hot in here but i guess i'll spray tonight and let it soak overnight. i hope is not too late..
I would do ALL of the above...and anything else somebody wants to safely suggest. But I also would want a Wet/Dry shop vac, and water and simply try vacuuming as much up and out of the cushion and padding as possible. Hopefully human urine isn't as bad as Cat urine...but urine in the car can be a bad thing. Good Luck. PS. At least initially, I would want to try to get as much up as quickly as possible. The longer it "soaks" or the urine is allowed to seep into the padding the worse I would think. If you think you've done the best you can getting as much as you can out of the padding THEN I might try letting some chemical soak in....but for now I think the power of a vacuum could be your friend.
Steam cleaning? I'm guessing that professional cleaning shops use such method. After that ozone generator to eliminate unwanted odours.
I've not reupholstered the seats in a Prius (yet), but I have in several Toyota/Lexus cars. Typically takes a novice about 6 hours to do both front and rear seating. Why am I relating this? Well, if the above doesn't work, get yourself some hog-ring pliers (my Ace hardware carries them) and some small rings (what is typically used to secure upholstery), then take the seat coverings off and get some enzyme product down in the foam, etc. You will out a probably less than $20 - and your time. Make your sister help!
Get a quote to redo the seat with new cloth and padding. Pass it by your sister. If she approves go for it.
In the future, keep a few spare Depends in the car and make all drunk passengers put them on before letting them in the car!
+1 Get the stain and remaining "residue" out. Then ozone it or use chlorine dioxide. The problem is that the good versions of these machines run between $1000 and $3000. You can buy some cheap crappy ones for $25 or so, but they won't work. A good detail place will have one. Taxi shops almost always have them because passengers are gross and frequently drunk as well. Both chemicals are highly toxic when concentrated and that is exactly what you are doing. Turn the car to READY, put the vents on recirculate, the fan on high and roll up the windows. The generator inside the car will concentrate the toxic mess and it will eventually soak into fabrics and everything else. With the good ones, it still takes 30 minutes to an hour for the soak. Then roll down the windows, open the doors, and let it air out for a few hours. If you are determined to do this yourself with junk equipment, I guarantee it will take even longer and may not even work. Keep in mind that ozone eats plastics too. The Prius is plastic on plastic on plastic. If they discolour, it will discolour evenly, but do keep that in mind. Taxi's do it all the time.
Friend of mine purchased a Vette at auction. Previous owner died in the car from gunshot suicide and they did not find him for a week. The car was in the home garage. He tried everything could not get the odor out. Replaced the carpet and leather. Odor still in there. He would find dried brain under the seat. No one got on the car it just stunk and it had a bad omen. He sold the car on Autotrader. He heard the guy who bought the car from him was killed crossing the street. His wife sold the car on Autotrader and asked my friend to help her sell it by explaining the car features to potential buyers. The new owner had a heart attack and died. My friend is very very very ILL now. Small town, cursed car. Car for sale.
Wow, that car didn't end up being such a great deal after all. I am sure everything was purely coincidental, but another reason why I am not a fan of buying used cars. That seems to be way too much trouble. I think regardless, a car needs to be cleaned by a professional detailing service before all hope is lost. It is amazing how some detailers can make a car look and smell better than new.
The exact chemistry may be different, but I hunch you'd have good success with products designed to remove 'pet smells'. Vinegar and baking soda, and the shop vac, both sounded like good ideas too. That and making your sister take the bus next time.