STUPID BIRDS!! I had just detailed Nigel and was feeling pretty good about getting him back from the collision center when I was forced to park under an Oak tree. I'm sure everyone knows how this ended...STUPID #*%@ BIRDS!!!
Rokeby, I remember that commercial. First time I saw it, I thought I was going die laughing. Then again, the one where the cat gets beheaded, not quite so funny. ;-)
Respect the Tech & get a Kia Hotbot to move the tree like this: This is much better than the Trunk Monkey.
I had mine parked at Cedar Point (best amusement park in the world) on the Lake Erie coast for 1.5 days this weekend (opening day). The bright blue seems to be a target for bird shit - large, dripping blobs all over, courtesy of the seagulls that are well-fed on parking lot trash and dead fish washed up on the shore after the lake thawed. Right after a car wash at the dealership, too. Luckily it rained on the trip home and a gas station squeegee cleaned off the rest.
One bird, one incident. It was all over the side window too (and the mirror) and there was more on the headlight not captured in this photo. I knew it was bad when it happened (I was driving at the time... was stopped at a traffic light near the Sydney Fish Markets), but didn't realise the full extent until I got out of the car. The consensus on my Facebook wall was that it was probably a pelican.
Haha just happened to me yesterday too! (Also just after a wash) Those flying poo machines are out in full force!
Could be worse. Was driving to the beach when a bird embedded itself on the radio antenna doing 80. It didn't fall off when I came to a stop. Not a fun removal.
Hey how would you guys go cleaning that anyway? I don't want to scratch the paint. Is there a particular cloth you recommend?
The shit or the bird impaled on the antenna? I usually either let the rain wash it off or use the sponge part of the window washer at gas stations.
Bird poop can eat through clear coat... it's best to remove sooner than later. Clean it as you would normally wash the car.
But don't car wash stations scratch the car? I was informed this for the first time when I was looking into getting a hybrid, and the dealership that I bought mine from agreed. Like, if I don't plan on going to a gas station, do you folks recommend a microfiber cloth, a regular rag, or some kind of material? I have no idea what I'm doing in a "do it yourself" car wash since I've always been used to normal "shift to neutral, no brakes" car washes.
You really do want to take it seriously and remove it as quickly as possible. Depending on what the bird has been eating...bird droppings can be a nightmare on your cars finish. And yes, removing it can scratch the surface, especially if there are "bits" of whatever in the bird waste. What I usually do, is simply use a hose and non-pressurized water and see if that alone will rinse it off without the scrubbing. Sometimes I get lucky and it simply rinses off. If it doesn't? Then I escalate. Car Wash Soap, Detailer Spray...(I like Meguiars) always with a high quality Micro-Fiber. My philosophy is just to try to lift it off with as little scrubbing or friction as possible. We can laugh...but I have had some nightmare bird defecation clean up's. You really do have to be careful, and you don't want to let it dry or sit very long.
Always microfiber and yes, car wash places can scratch your car. If you are worried about that, take it to a professional detailer. If you must use a car wash place... try and get one that is touchless... they hurt the least.
In my case I immediately drove to a do it yourself wash (I don't know if you guys have it) and used the high pressure rinse to get it off right there and then. I never use the foam brush at those places. Other than that at home I'd be comfortable doing it with my own sponge.
Speaking of angry birds... Stopped at the post office this morning, parked, got out of the car and CRASH SMASH! I had stepped right into the flight path of two pigeons. One crashed square into my head with enough force to knock my glasses off and make me fear for the well-being of the bird, and the other bounced off my shoulder. They both landed in front of my car... one started shaking its head and scratching at it with one foot, the other shook its wings out a few times and started casually pecking at the ground. At least there was no damage or droppings on the car.