I have a 2001 prius.My battery light and "triangle of death" has been on for about a month now, as well as engine light. My brother has been driving it and says it should be ok, as long as the gas isn't to low. The last Saturday the car went dead on me when I was drving (scary). My bother tells me it's because I had the AC on. Idk. So now I am kind if scared to drive it now. Any advice on what I should do, or where I should go?? Thanks in advance
Well, you need to get the codes scanned one way or another. This will require you to go to the dealer or independent shop to have them read or buy a Prius aware scanner. There could be numerous reasons for the TOD and Battery light. If you have an android phone, you can download the 'Torque' app and purchase a bluetooth OBD II interface board such as an ELM 327 or there is scangauge available in the Prius Chat Shop. One thing is for sure, the car did not die on you because the AC was on.
I like your brother...he's an optimist...at least where your car is concerned..... Warning lights are well...warning lights..and the triangle of death isn't a low gas warning.... and having the AC on, isn't a reason a otherwise well functioning automobile should die. I'd take it to a qualified repair facility in your area. Sounds like you need one.
Also how much is it to get the code read. Hence this is my first car ever, & if it isnt obvious- I dont really have great knowledge about cars (let alone a Prius)
I regret to inform you that the entire procedure from diagnosis to (eventual repair?) is most likely NOT going to be cheap. You have a 12 year old hybrid that is showing warning symbols and throwing codes. But the first step is finding out what EXACTLY is going on. Then you can make decisions from that point. I would say this to anyone, driving any vehicle, but I really recommend never ignoring a warning symbol. Driving a vehicle with a Triangle Warning Light and The Check Engine Light on for a month? Hopefully this was a relatively static problem and your driving it for a month with the warning lights on didn't make anything worse. Best of Luck.
Oh that doesnt sound good at all =/ Thank You though, ill go get it check and hope it isnt anything too bad (fingers crossed)
Let me suggest reading this essay: Who should and should NOT buy a 2001-03 Prius | PriusChat We hang here to help folks who want to keep these cars on the road and offer remote if independent advice. Please don't think of this car as 'too hard to master' nor is it as simple as ordinary cars. In effect, there are seven control computers and you are mostly telling them what you want done and they do the rest. <grins> Seriously, it is different but not that hard. Bob Wilson
The Classic Prius air conditioner compressor is of traditional design, powered via a drive belt spun by the engine crankshaft pulley. So having the AC on has little impact on the traction battery. Your brother's explanation might make some sense if you were talking about a 2G Prius, where the AC compressor is spun by a three-phase AC motor powered by the traction battery via the inverter.
Does your car start and run at all? if it does watch your battery meter on the dash and watch if it jumps up and down from full to low and vise versa. If it does that indicates your traction battery is not healthy.. If that is good than you need to get the codes pulled and post them so some people here can assist you what to do next..
Yes it does run, when I would drive it the battery indicater would sometimes turn off. I drove it today, and the notification light has been of since yesterday.