I am on second tank, doing great, at this rate (62.3 mpg displayed, guessing 59-60 in reality) I could get close to hitting 700 mile. But, 225miles to go (to hit 600) and have a road trip coming up and no time to just drive around to hit the mark before the trip. Guess I will have to wait til after the trip to try again.
The notion that someone would just drive around in circles to accomplish such a milestone is rather amusing, and disturbing.
I would cruise around if I was very close to getting it, but way to far off to think about it this tank. When I drive just to drive, I do so not to JUST work on a milestone, but to explore areas I would not go through on normal day to day driving. As far as enemies go, I have yet to impede traffic! I find pulsing in power zone works better for me than slow, long pulse.