Thanks for the laugh...that was funny. But just wait until the teen years. Resistance is Futile. You might start second guessing connection to the Borg.
Regarding Enterprise- The complete 3rd season was one long story arc... and it was quite good. Season four had some very interesting Vulcan based stories, plus some other very good episodes too. I can't watch season one and two- just can't get into them. For my tastes- the series takes off starting with the last episode of season two- which sets the plat for season three.
Nerdy Star Trek Admission #53. I never really drank Earl Grey Tea until Captain Piccard ordered it through his replicator. Now I've been drinking it for about 20 years.
A Private Little War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Afghanistan . . . Middle East . . . 9/11 . . . Bob Wilson
Interesting... I'll have to rewatch that one sometime. I think the times I watched it, I was too young to understand the parallels to the Vietnam War. I normally consult Memory Alpha - The Star Trek Wiki for Star Trek ep info. The entry did stir up some memories. I totally forgot this is the one where Spock is slapped by Nurse Chapel and then a doctor.
My draft number was '39' and I came in second in the low draft number pool in the dorm. But it was also a time when Vietnam did not make a whole lot of sense: USA troops are fighting for someone else's 'freedom' . . . still does not make sense Soviet Union and USA were pouring expensive weapons into the hands of folks who did not inspire confidence As for Spock and his recovery, in 1975 I jumped out of perfectly fine airplanes, twice. The second time, I landed badly and dislocated my left ankle (I can still tell when the weather is changing.) So I'm laying on a table in the ER and the nurse comes by and asks,'Would you like something for the pain?' 'Is this normal treatment?' I asked. She said yes and I got got a shot of morphine. Now I've had experienced dental and stitches novocaine and once codeine for a migraine headache but morphine was something else. I was in discomfort and chilled from the ER temperature but morphine took away my ability to concentrate. It was as if someone were randomly pushing the buttons on my mental remote control every 5 seconds: darn it is cold let me shift . . . that is a cute candy stripper . . . light is so bright . . . OWCH!!! . . . wonder about payment . . . call home . . . how will I get back . . . OWCH!!! . . . Before the morphine, I could concentrate on things other than my left ankle displaced to the left . . . I could deal with it. But with morphine, my mind went into a random wander mode and when it landed on my left ankle OWCH!!! No, I don't have pointy ears and often sign with "GOOD LUCK!" which is shorthand for "Live long and prosper." But before modern medicine, the wounded often had to make their own way to what passed for a field hospital. Pain drugs have a role but it isn't clear they are always needed. One thing for sure, if I need a pain medication, I will try to negotiate with the medical staff to help them choose the best option for my current condition. As a general rule, less is best. Bob Wilson
^^^ Fascinating. I wasn't born when the Vietnam War began. I was VERY young before it ended and have no memory of that time. But, yes, I can see the parallels now from what I recall about the ep. As for morphine, I think that's still administered now.
Yep. And we've been discussing it at Star Trek movie discussion thread | PriusChat. It's very annoying that some countries get to see if way before us (Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) - Release dates). I learned of this from a bunch of random articles.
On that note, I stumbled across ThinkGeek :: Tea, Earl Grey, Hot - Officially-Licensed Star Trek Tea a month or two ago.
Well I guess if "Star Trek" is actually approving and marketing an Earl Grey tea, then I'm not the only Geek to get lured into trying Earl Grey tea from the series. That marketing "Tin" seems a little boring. Don't think I'd want to pay the premium. Even though it is so obscure it could become highly collectible someday. You'd think they could do something more creative. Like maybe a "replicator" dispenser that delivered one tea bag at time? Maybe even with Piccards voice delivering that line...Press a button, that line is heard, a tea bag is "replicated".... Now that, I might be tempted to buy....otherwise, I can just buy my Earl Grey anywhere.
They've started TNG again from the beginning on our local cable channel. Which is great - I'm catching lots of episodes I haven't seen before. But the first double-episode with the wobbly jellyfish energy field beings who can also be spaceships and stuff is ridiculous: the storyline is silly, and the people on the planet can't act. And, now that I've seen a few early TNG episodes, would it be unkind of me to describe Wesley Crusher as the Scrappy Doo of science fiction?
They've been doing quite a few TNG reruns on BBC America. Heh, are you talking about Encounter at Farpoint, which was the first ep? That wasn't very good. Actually, most of the 1st season was pretty bad, IMHO. For the longest time, I was complaining about how much worse it was compared to TOS. Eventually, TNG got better. TOS and TNG are my favorite Trek series.
Yes, that's the one. It was terrible. It's amazing that TNG went on to become good. It's lucky the fans and producers stuck with it.
And another thing. Q. On the plus side for Q, he introduced us to The Borg. And The Borg are (is?) the best Star Trek TV baddies ever. On the minus side for Q, .... everything else. Terrible character, pointless storylines, rubbish acting. I think Q might be more annoying than Wesley Doo Crusher.
Bad Star Trek news! Hanging out for the new Star Trek series? Keep hanging, it's been delayed again That said, I'd rather they delayed it and got it right than got it out on time when it wasn't good enough. Also, according to this article, it's going to be the first series of Star Trek in which one of the stars is someone I've accidentally walked backwards into and knocked over in a pub. So that's exciting.