Facebook I don't like, it just connected me with all the HS and College people I did not like back than anyway. I did manage to catch up on the lives of a few people I lost contact with, but after that it was nonsense so I deleted the account years ago
Facebook is a mess. Folks posting their drama filled lives in order to get sympathy, draw attention and mock those they despise. And...kitties. I still have a Facebook account but rarely post. I use it to communicate with friends and family across the globe. There are other methods, email, Skype and such...but Facebook makes it easy to be lazy and keep in contact. That, and I am the PR Director for a local chapter of ABATE. A motorcycle rights organization. And, I use Facebook to promote our events and pass along information to our members.
So you got a pair of Jimmy Choo's? They come with a warning label, caution these shoes will change your life for the better by adding excitement.
As the OP I think my post was hijacked and have wandered to the strangest topics I could expect. We really have a bunch of great people in the forum, we should hang around, digress and empty some beers. Sent ?
Holy crap. I can NOT believe that I'm here! How in the heck am I ever going to get those 12 minutes back????