BBC News - Adobe starts subscription for Photoshop and Dreamweaver So instead of paying $2500 for the master suite collection and getting to use it until you die, you now must sign up for this Adobe cloud based service which will only work when you have an internet connection (bye bye editing on planes or buses or outside away from internet) and you have to pay $100 a month forever to use it. If you upgrade every upgrade cycle, the cost is about the same. But it destroys your ability to get anything done when you have no internet. I use Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, and Captivate all the time. The rest less so, but I still have purchased the master suite collection for versions 4, 7, CS2 (9), and CS4 (11). They will be stopping at CS6 (Version 13) and then force you to the cloud. I guess it is time to start shopping around for a new tool. Completely unacceptable Adobe...
This is also what Microsoft is doing with products like Office and the upcoming Windows Blue to follow (and FIX) Windows 8. Most people have several computers and don't want to bother with three copies to load on them all. Or figure which computing device goes without. So the trend is put the services on the cloud for a subscription fee. Not saying if I like it or not, but just saying it's a trend.
Microsoft has offered it with the 365 products, but they still have the no-subscription option available, albeit at a higher price. I am happy paying $400 once for a real copy of Office versus paying $9.99 a month or $99.99 a year. Same reason I don't rent or lease things. I still have software that I use either for fun or business that was made 20 years ago. Some so old that they can only be used within a DOSBox or DOS emulation environment. So 20 years from now, if I want to use Office 2012 I don't want to rely on having a subscription somewhere I cannot control. I have files in Word Perfect format from an old AT computer that I needed to read one day. I was able to go from Word Perfect to one of the first releases of Office when they had an import to it. I was then able to import that into Office XP, then save and import into modern day Office and view the file. Formatting was even still in tact. It took hoops, but I had a way to use those hoops. The new subscription based cloud means that you lose all hopes of using a backward hoop unless they keep all copies of all updates. If 20 years from now I can login to Microsoft Office's cloud thing, and say I want to use Office 2012, fine. But we all know that the only version on there will be the latest version.
As much as I hate that Adobe is doing this, you need to get your facts straight. It is $50/month, not $100. Also, you only have to verify subscription through your internet connection once a month, not every time you use the software. I still hate that Adobe is doing this and think it is a horrible business decision that will alienate their customers. (I have been keeping up for the last couple versions, but now I will very likely not be sending them more money until I can get a standalone version)
Maybe I misrepresented Windows Blue, as you will have to pay for it (I think) But Microsoft seems to be trending for more frequent, smaller increments in their OS, like Apple has been doing, which may be leaning towards eventual subscription.
That's a risky business model. The free options keep getting better. I have MS Office 2010 but prefer LibreOffice which is free. Unfortunately I still need MS Orifice to properly open some complexly formatted documents, but if I weren't running website where I get submissions in MS Office formats from people that like a lot of fancy formatting I wouldn't bother with MS Office. I have and use Photoshop CS7, but if their go the subscription only route, I will find something else when it comes time to replace it. I can see most businesses sticking with MS and Adobe even with a subscription model because the labor costs of using the software are so much larger than the software that they can't afford to have employees waste time dealing with incompatibilities.
If you pay by the month, it is £70. That is currently $108.27USD. If you pay for a full year, it works out to £47 a month, which is currently $72.69. That is good. But I have machines that are never connected to the internet. Secure systems do not have an internet pipe period. Big companies already block all "phone home" requests. My full time employer blocks all update ping requests to Adobe servers, Java/Oracle servers, Microsoft servers, basically anything where the only point is an update. This means that without changing the model of no-phoning home, the Adobe products will only work for 1 month then not work. Also, our company does not do subscriptions. We do everything based off of POs, and every single one no matter how small is signed by all 3 Vice Presidents. This is a multi-billion dollar a year company. We have lots of Adobe and lots of Microsoft. If it is subscription based, it does not get bought period. Many employees of other companies have similar policies. One of my many small roles here is handing out license requests for software that gets flagged by our automatic generator. So sending files and license checking for lots of very very big companies that you guys probably use every day but don't know it will never allow this sort of subscription based phone home thing. When software updates and it breaks something, it can take a million dollar machine offline for hours or days. That million dollar machine is making thousands of dollars in profit an hour. If it goes down, somebody is paying for that. I'm thinking they will have a run on CS6 products. I am thinking of buying a suite now to be my "forever software". Instead of giving them thousands of dollars every 3-4 years, I will buy once more and never again.
Just sit back and watch the marketplace solve that problem. Adobe obviously could not come up with anything better than the extortion model. Someone else will figure out a better answer now that Adobe is trying to get the money river to run uphill into their coffers.
How long do you think "forever" is on CS6 if Adobe goes subscription. I'm not being a smart arse, how long do you expect to be able to keep it going? Seems like if the subscription model gets off the ground they won't have much incentive to extend the life of CS6 or 7 I just got CS7 ad haven't loaded it, but if Adobe goes subscription I will be trying to milk all the life out of CS7 I can.
Unfortunately, there is nothing that works as well as Photoshop when you start getting serious about things. That said, I would be willing to go to something a bit lesser from a company that wasn't trying to ream me. I would even consider GIMP. The price is right.
I expect it will continue to work until the x86 instruction process is dead and I have plenty of hardware to keep that going until I personally die, hopefully 60+ years from now. The latest version I have is CS4. I trialed CS5 but I usually buy every 2 gens because the limited feature and bug improvements are not worth a whole new package each time. But I patronize them because they are the best. Nothing even touches Photoshop with the power. My CS4 and I would assume CS6 and CS7 can run without internet and subscriptions. They haven't retroactively changed that as far as I know. So worst case is that the CS4 suite I have can be run on any modern day PC and virtualized to run on almost any machine in the future. As long as I am retired to the fact that I will not be able to use the newest features and fix the bugs that still exist in CS4, it should and will work forever with the current limitations. My CS4 already never calls home, and I have physical disks I can use to install it anytime anywhere. I block the activation and crack it even with my legitimate copy just as I do Windows and most other programs. I am not relying on any external server, program, database, or code monkey to make the software I paid for work. And quite honestly, I see no improvements to CS4 from CS2, and I was annoyed by the change to a non WinForms look in CS4 making things harder to use. I relayed out my workspace to mimick CS2 essentially. So at this point I may be happy to keep running CS4 until Adobe goes bankrupt, and then some more...
The price in U.S. currency, for individuals (the 'team' price is higher) is $49.99 Membership plans: Pricing, upgrades, and subscriptions | Adobe Creative Cloud While you don't have to pay for a full year upfront, you do have to commit to a year at that price. The month-to-month subscription, without the year commitment, is closer the $70 figure you quoted. I really like having the OPTION of the subscription. I do NOT like having that be the ONLY option for obtaining the suite.
Currently there is no such thing as Photoshop CS7. The highest Creative Suite level currently available is CS6. That being said, there is an old version of photoshop circa 2002 called version 7, but without the 'CS' moniker.
Right you are, I just took a look at my uninstalled upgrade that has been sitting by my desk for a few months and it's CS6. I did have Version 7 several years ago when I moved from PS Elements. I was upgrading on the odd numbered versions but jumped the gun because of rumors they were going to subscription only.