She complained that the l/km was stuck at 4.2. I said: 'likely it is showing Trip B' and I was right. I thought she didn't care about consumption, found funny that she does care. Sent ?
OP's wife thought the L/100km reading was broken, but it was showing one of the trip counter readings, as opposed to "from start", and the display wasn't changing because it was averaged over a large number of miles, isntead of whatever was driven since start. OP didn't think wife cared about how much fuel was being used, but the fact that she noticed the calculation not changing shows that she at least looked and was interested.
From the smiley face you can "obviously" tell I was joking... sorry to get your panties in a wad. I'm a Republican.
Just this AM my wife said, "How can I switch the screen back to Avg. MPG instead of the energy screen? Woohoo!
Now if only I could convince my husband to care! He thinks life is Grand at anything over 40 MPG, and has no interest in learning the fine art of glide or taking full advantage of EV capabilities.
Ugh. Painful. I guess 41 is still pretty good for driving like a maniac, though - in most other cars that'd be around mid 20s I'd think. I think I'd have to really try to do that badly (or just drive in Northeast Ohio winters a lot - I was getting 45 when I got my c in January, but that was also during break-in).
If he doesn't mind driving a car that gets over 40 mpg without trying, then he qualifies on that important part. Working to get much over 40 mpg is a game that some just aren't interested in playing and there is nothing wrong with that. No disrespect intended with the game remark, everyone should have some games they enjoy playing and if you make or save money or save resources by playing a game, that's even better. My wife sees the throttle and brakes as on-off switches and after over 40 years I have given up trying to change that. I have gotten her to not nail the throttle until the car is warmed up and to leave more stopping room and that is a decent compromise.
A little uptight are we? Maybe I should have put a retarded little smiley face also , your butt can now release your superman undies.