I searched and didn't see an existing thread, so maybe it is buried somewhere, but I had an incident with my car in which a truck ahead of me dropped some metal object and I couldn't swerve to avoid it. But, straddled it the best I could to avoid tire damage. Of course, the Prius hardly has any clearance so it didn't sound great going underneath my car. I made it about 50 miles before I got the dreaded low oil pressure light meaning one thing, a hole in the oil pan. After getting it to a dealer, and seeing underneath the car, the oil pan is definitely vulnerable to this happening. Especially on the highway when you aren't typically going very slow. Has anyone found any options for protecting the oil pan a bit better? I suppose I could put larger tires on the car when I get to the point of changing them...but that wouldn't make that big of a difference. Any tips?
Actually, the OEM under tray is , IMO, adequately designed to protect the lower engine bay from 99% (based on my own experiences) of the road debris/hazards any driver would come across. (Small rocks, small pieces of car parts from accidents, wood, truck tires, etc.) Sounds like you had a rare incident where it actually comprised the tray, and a rare incident that you actually came in contact with an object of significance. ( brick, hammer, ladder, spare tire, large falling rocks, etc.) What was it? You could probably have an under tray fabbed out of aluminum to take place of the plastic.
One was available a while back (PriusChat Shop : Toyota Prius BT Tech Skid Plate - $299.99) for the Gen2 Prius, but I haven't seen it offered lately. JeffD
Not sure what it ended up being, I thought maybe a hitch, but it looked too thin to be that...it was really difficult to see, but I could tell that it was definitely something aluminum. Not a tool, that would have been a better scenario I think! Thanks for the link. It is still cheaper than an oil pan replacement. ;-)
Just be thankful that you didn't get engine damage, of that you have a rear wheel drive vehicle. At least the oil pan replacement didn't incur the high labor cost for a rear wheel drive vehicle with tricky crankshaft seals. Years ago, I had an oil pan replaced. The idiot din not know what he was doing. 3 sets of seals later, and the pan leaked oil to the very day I traded in the car.
Yikes. I definitely am thankful that it wasn't more serious. The Toyota dealership I went to wasn't the one I typically use because it is pretty far from where I live. But, after my experience, I think I will go to them from now on. It is amazing how a service experience can vary so much from one dealer to the next. I had to leave my car for the weekend because I needed to drive up to DC and they offered to pay for a rental for one day because they knew how important getting there was, they detailed my car for free and even replaced a burned out light. My regular dealer would have never done that. Heck, they talk to you when you drop your car off and never again. I have more of a relationship with the cashier at the dealer I bought my car from!
Freak accidents happen, I had a similar incident years ago on the 405 fw in LA, something droped from a truck ahead of me and hit under the car, a few miles later the low oil pressure idiot light came on, I limped home (I know that was a stupid thing to do) and found a large hole in the Oil filter. The car was a 74 Buick Rivera. Just another freak accident.
The parts including the oil pan were $171.28, the labor was $283.50 and the oil change was $27.95. I was getting close to needing my oil changed, so guess that took care of that! I got a bit of a discount, so out the door with the dealer detailing the car for free was $495.83. The labor costs were a bit insane, but mechanics have to get paid. So, it could have been so much worse. I was getting ready to drive from Atlanta to DC, so at least I was still close to home and my amazing Dad could help out. He dumped a few quarts of oil in the car and I drove over 90 mph to Toyota three exits away and hoped for the best since it was after hours. Absolutely a freak accident, and I am hoping that it will be the first and last time I have to deal with anything like that.
What about the plastic panel under the engine bay? Did it survive? I think that part is at least $300. Maybe as you drove over the object it rolled and some protrusion rotated up and through the oil pan? You would think if the car just brushed over something it would be deflected by that plastic panel.
That must have survived because there was no mention of that. Whatever it was had to have rolled, because nothing else was affected under the car. They let me look under the car when they were working on it. The hole was pretty small and isolated to the right bottom corner of the pan. The odd part was that I drove 50 miles before the low oil pressure light went on. One can only assume that my car was cold when I hit the object and had warmed up by the point the light finally came on.
That sounds more like the results of a crack in the pan than a hole getting punched in it, if something thumped the pan real hard through the plastic it could have cracked the pan without destroying the plastic belly cover. Did you actually see a hole or just an oily damaged area?
I saw the hole. I don't see how a metal pan could crack, but if it had, we would had the option to just weld it. My Dad took a picture of the pan while it was still on the car, but unfortunately, the picture turned out blurry and you can see the dent, but not really the hole. The area surprisingly wasn't very oily, perhaps since all the oil had about 10 hours to fully drain out and all the oil was new from my Dad adding more to get the car to the service department.
Here is the blurry picture, not sure if it shows the plastic panel or not...but maybe it will help answer your questions.
Saw the hole. No plastic panel at all. I'm assuming the picture was taken when they removed the plastic undercover. Looks like you hit something really gnarly! The way it's damaged your underside, it looks like you didn't even have an undercover or whatever it was, would have taken it out also.
Yes, plastic panel is missing. It's maybe 3'x4', black plastic, covers that whole area you're taking the picture of. Or, maybe just it was off when the pic was taken. You can check by looking, even when the car's on the ground you should be able to see/feel.
Wouldn't the dealer have replaced the plastic panel if it has been damaged or missing? I didn't see it on the bill. I will check it out later. I assume that they wouldn't have been able to see the oil pan without taking it off. Edited to add that I did look under the car today and saw the plastic panel. It looked fine to me, and since my bill did not have any line items relating to a panel replacement, one would assume that it wasn't damaged with this little adventure.