So I drove by the dealership and figured they were closed so i would drive through and look at what they have on the lot... Turns out they were open and long story short I left with a new Prius, is there anything I should know about them? I upgraded from an 06 Prius. I would like to make my rims black, but keep the same rims that's on the car, any suggestions on how to do that?
Welcome aboard and enjoy the new ride. Simply pull the wheel caps off and presto, black rims. You will need center caps though...
Many dealerships tint the windows of new cars. Especially in places like Texas, California, Florida, etc.
No the dealership tinted it for extra. I have to get it tinted darker though as they won't tint it too dark. The tint looks a lot darker than it is.
i rather take it to an aftermarket place to get higher quality tint. Do you want tint for aesthetics or functionality (heat rejection, IR block, decreased glare, etc)?
Everything, sunny here in the desert [Arizona] and for privacy. The dealerships has a lifetime warranty it was quite pricey, 200 something I believe, but it was pre installed. The after market shop I used to black my truck windows out was 120 or 150 I believe and they also have lifetime warranty so it's about the same id say.
You can get electrical box knockout cover from Lowes or HomeDepot. Number of people on the forum have done that. Only a few bucks. Tons cheaper than getting them from Toyota.
That's really the best way to go. I got mine for $0.95 each and then painted them black. You could even take it a step further and get some Toyota stickers on eBay and stick em to the center caps.
$200 is pretty cheap for tint on a Prius which has 10 windows. High quality ceramic tint for 10 windows would run well over $400.