- bad idea, IMHO. The beligerent words will turn real and there would be massive casualties in SK.
I agree that it is a bad idea. Our past misadventures have already built up considerable animosity from certain parts of the world. Whatever short term gain this preemptive strike might provide won't be enough offset the long term damage caused by reinforcing that distrust. While it won't be painless, we are strong enough to be patient and let them throw the first punches, if that is their real intent. I have no certainty that it is.
NK wants sanctions lifted, SK wants atomic weapons as counter balance, China does not want SK nukes, USA wants nk to give up Nukes. Man this is a mess. North Korea diplomacy effort grows, but sides are still far apart -
What......I thought that Korean thing went away because it's not on the news every minute now. USA USA USA...Kill the Bastard. Honey, while you're out would you pick me up another 6-pack. What time is that game tonight? American apathy at it's best...
He was a christian that entered as a tourist, and was "spreading the word of god" along with taking photos of sick and starving children. That's a no-no in NK. And hard labour with no pay is sort of the definition of a prison work camp.
Maybe God through the efforts of the State Dept. His congragation better start meetings with the local congressman who can make some phone calls and get the ball rolling. A social media campaign can shed some light Hillary was good with those type of situations
god would have to go through the Swiss Embassy since the US doesn't have any diplomatic presence in North Korea, of course only if you make the assumption that the holy one plays for the US. We don't have a counsel seat in the UN for standing extraterrestrial or omnipotent beings, so it would make sense they would go through Switzerland to make their claims.
The US at this moment in time is not particularly interested in getting its unjustly incarcerated citizens freed. We have another one in Iran. Saeed Abedini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia