I don't wave at every Prius I see but I do wave at every C! And when I ran across another habanero C we both rolled down our windows and waved like mad! So nerdy but cool.
It's an econobox. What's the big deal? Habanero is a neat color, though.. Stands to reason that anyone driving a prius C in such a hideous color is absolutely an enthusiast of the car... Moral of the story? Only wave at Prius C drivers if their car is a hideous flat shade of sherbet orange!
Lol, at least the color is recognizable. Most C's that I pass I don't notice until after the fact, the simpler colors blend in too well with a lot of the other modern hatchbacks.
I can spot a Prius a mile away but sometimes can't tell if its a c or not until I get close. Unless of course its habanero in which case I can spot it 2 miles away heheh Relatively few C's that i've seen where we live (east tx)
Or you could just be sour and boring your entire life... I like your plan better. Don't get excited about anything.
I may have to start waving at C's if I ever see another one! I have only seen one, in Habanero but it was parked. This is my 1st Prius and I am excited
I would have a big shoulder/arm like Dwight Howard if I wave at every C I see here in Orange County/Los Angeles area.
lotta C's here in Northern Cali too. And most are white like mine, I am on a mission to make mine different but its tough.
I'm seeing a good many C's now, at least one most days I make my commute. Got some waves from the earlier ones I saw, when they were rarer (went for weeks at a time without seeing one when I first picked up the car a year ago). Not so much anymore- most just seem to be commuters caught up in their lives.
I just got mine two weeks ago and have since noticed another one in my neighborhood and one other that I pass on my way home from work. I guess it isn't surpassing when they sold like 35,000 in the first year. I saw one table where it looked like the C outsold the regular prius in the last year. SPH-D710 ? 2
I got waved at by someone in a small brown fiat 500...I had to wave back as courtesy I guess It also seems that once I bought my C...I'm seeing more C's on the road now, lol
I've only really seen one other C driving around town where I live and it is the habanero color. Mine is summer rain. I was hoping they would wave, but they weren't looking both times I passed them. Hehe. I guess some people don't care about recognizing others driving the same car. I know it sounds weird, but everytime I pass a regular Prius or see one parked near me I wonder if they know or care that my car is a Prius too even though it looks different...lol.
Ha ha that's so cool! A simple wave works just fine, even better would be a hybrid community (can't make it to CA, are you in the northeast?)
I get excited every time I see a C (about 2-4 a week) and smile, practically everyone else driving one is totally oblivious or angry looking and would be non responsive to a wave from me so I stopped bothering to wave. That's what you get for being in the lower part of New England, not always happy people...