drove my pip home on april 26, 2012. here are my one year stat's: odo: 8,435 miles, ev drive ratio 2: ev = 57%, 4,838 miles, hv = 43%, 3,596 miles, 951 kwh used on the screen, 54 gallons used and 79.4 gallons saved. my current tank, filled up on 01-04-13, trip a: 2,017.9 miles, 2 pips left, dte = 61 miles, cons: 288 mpg, avg. speed: 24 mph, ev drive ratio 1: ev = 78%, 1,580 miles, hv = 22%, 437 miles, 322 kwh used, 6 gallons used, 26.9 gallons saved. i love this car! it's everything i hoped it would be and more.
Trip b since gas fillup dec. 31, 2012 810.9 MILES 130MPG 15 MPH AVG. TOTAL MILES SINCE APRIL 23, 2012 3024 MILES
You've done a couple of things: 1. Depending on the actual price of gas and electricity, and assuming my guesses are not way off the mark: saved some money. 2. Reduced your direct dependence on oil. You may be inderectly consuming carbon in some form, depending on how the electricity is produced. Here's a breakdown, guesstimating gas and electricity costs:
nice chart! unfortunately, kwh is .16 and gas is/has been more like $3.65-3.75, it's never been about saving money, but it's great to get off oil and drive electric!
Cripes I'm a wet blanket. I agree though. Especially with emerging technologies, everything starts out pretty much level, if we're lucky. The novelty and fun can be the main award. And gradually, with a little luck, the benefits improve.
not at all. i hope we get to the money saving part some day, that will be the paradigm shift that brings in all the people who don't care about foreign oil, the enviroment or the fun of electric driving. but the first two will be the beneficieries!
In BC our rate's 6.8 cents (CAN) per kW/h up to some threshold, and 10.29 cents beyond. Not sure what the cutoff is, we've never exceeded it, AFAIK. I use a 400 watt block heater for at least 2 hours more-or-less daily, fwiw.
My one year anniversary report: Odometer: 8464 EV: 5497 (65%) HV: 2965 (35%) ( I know HV & EV add up to only 8462!) Gallons displayed: 52 Gallons saved: 104 kWh displayed: 1245 PS: the anniversary is actually on April 30, but I will not be using the car until May 2).
Yes, they are very similar. However, I envy you because your mpg on gasoline is 66 and mine is only 57!
Thanks Bisco, Mine will have its first birthday in about 2 weeks, I have about 17,00 miles on it, I will try to post the stats as well as you did, about 60% of mine are freeway miles so yours should be much better than mine