Yes, the hybrid gas saving software and screen feedback in a Toyota Prius is designed to promote driving like you are a 74 year old man, heading to the hospital for prostrate surgery. I love the efficiency of a hybrid, that's always been why I wanted one. I do however draw a line. Occasionally, I want to beat that other guy to the stop, and occasionally I speed up in corners. To me The Prius is surprisingly capable of doing so....if you just tell HAL you want the pod bay doors open.
It is true that when you cut 20 cars off you only save seconds, that is if you constantly pick the lane that is faster in traffic. I did the nerdy calculation on length of cars and speed of highway once. Coming to the realization of how useless it is, I do drive much more efficiently now. But sometimes, a little bit of fun helps the mundane daily commute
Congratulations on becoming a changed man. The Prius helped do the same for me too. You also get a side benefit of greatly reduced stress. “Live long and prosper”
I was thinking this exact same thing the other day. Although its technically my wifes prius, whenever I drive it, i'm so focused on getting ultimate mpg. I'm almost certain people see a senior citizen when they look at me. Its like a twilight zone episode!
And there is a small benefit for Prius drivers. If you happen to be speeding, the police don't look at you much. I think we get the benefit of the doubt that we'll be driving slower. One other point: There was a thread awhile ago about the Prius being a magnet for morons. Something about others cutting off Prius drivers, etc. This thread confirms my thought that we were all morons once. The fact that we slowed down (or whatever) when driving our Prius doesn't necessarily make us better drivers if once we get back into the other speedy car, we revert back to our old ways. I haven't driven a different car since I got my Prius, so I don't know what I will do. Mike Mike
Yes. On my facebook pictures I have pics of tbe speedometer at 162 in one of the Porsches. Soooo stupid. Seems that I drive more relaxed.
Same here. I learned two things immediately after owning my Prius: 1. All that lane weaving and passing only gets you to the next traffic light faster. 2. Not having to look out for cops or photo radar cars is a huge stress reliever. But driving the speed limit does require a thicker skin.
Depending on the traffic light timing of a city, driving faster can actually help you from having to stop and wait at traffic lights as much! True story! In my city, the lights are timed arbitrarily (and frustratingly!) to the point that driving faster than the middling, sluggish 30-35mph average speed of traffic will help you beat red lights and avoid fuel-wasting idling. I've been able to achieve ~30-31mpg in a 3.5L V6 Avalon, all-city by driving smart and timing the lights, for example. ~45mpg in a Corolla. These aren't even hybrids and I wasn't driving gently, either. Just smart.
I'd like to add the gas pedal is very stiff/reluctant to move, I believe besides all the mpg indicators on the display the simple mechanical device also known as the go pedal plays a huge part in driving style change. Call me lazy but sometimes that spring feels so stiff i have to take my foot off the pedal for a moment on a long climb to relax the leg muscles and readjust foot position for better leverage, thank goodness for power mode. Every other newer car I've driven lately the gas pedal is like an on/off switch, which is good for sensation of power but bad for fuel economy.
I bought my Prius after I was beaten in a traffic light drag by one. I love driving any car hard. I'd rather drive something which has power I'll use than something with power to burn. I have however come to realise that I can move through the traffic smoother and faster by judging the traffic and judging the light changes. When I was driving my Prius across Adelaide's metro area daily I was getting about 54.7mpg (US) driving this way. Hard on the accelerator and easy on the brake.
I think you're right. the summer blends are supposed to pollute less. i'll look into more when I free time. But i remember reading that the epa wants to adopt the rest of the country to ca higher standard fuels. during summer, its easier to get higher mpgs due to many factors including less warm up cycles.
I've been kicked back with my driving for some time now, but even with the Prius I have to get on it. Like this morning for example. There's a light that has two lanes, the one on the right is for entering the highway, the one on the left is for going straight. There's usually a line in the right hand lane to get onto the highway, but some people (usually with NY plates) that feel they don't have to wait in the line and they try to cut you off from the left lane and shoot onto the highway. Well, Mr. Infiniti from New York got a big surprise this morning when he try to do that to me.
You're gonna get these softies who say "What if he had a true emergency?" "What if he needed to catch a flight to visit sick family member?" "What if his daughter was bullied at school and is bawling her eyes out right now?" BTW I love doing that to people too. Wait your turn.