My driving history has always been "that guy" who cuts people off, squeezes into tight spots, and always speeds through the fast lanes to get where ever I was going, quicker. I know I wasn't always the safest driver and I always get a ear full from the wife about my driving habits. All I can say is that it was a habit I could never kick. I've been driving my new prius for a week and realized I'm a completely changed man. Now that I can monitor my mpg and see the difference between styles of driving, I accepted the personal challenge to reach the 600/700/800 mile club. I'm still on my first tank and averaging about 52.1mpg with still room for improvements. My wife is amazed on how slow/safe I drive now. You won't catch me in the fast lane anymore, let alone dare to cut someone off (partially because my prius accelerates so slow lol). I think this car very well might have saved my life. I've never had any accidents (thank god) and always felt I'm over due for one based on how my driving behavior was. Can anyone relate to this?
Yep! Changes the way you drive. Thats Great! Enjoy your new car. I'm still driving this way now since 2005. Happy motoring!
Change is good. I think that we need to tax the hell out of gasoline like they do in Europe. $8 gasoline will change driving habits and car buying habits pretty quick.
Yea...they said that at $1, $2 and $3 a gallon too. As gas goes up, so does the cost of everything we buy that still has to be delivered.
Did the same thing to me. Had mine about 6 weeks now and now I am the slow one with cars zipping around me. Doubling and trippling the MPG will do that to you.
yep, same goes with me. But with me, my wife didn't enjoy my fast driving style (not insane fast) in old car, now does not enjoy my slow driving style (not insane slow). my MPG drops with her in the car *sigh* just can't win!
Driving the Prius changes our mind... definitely... i was the same, impatient, quick, pedal-to-metal...the Prius teach us another culture of driving. Anyway, deep in our souls exists the good'old feeling of rivalry and... the Power button installed here by the wise successors of Samurais As for now my older daughter comment my new driving style.. "you drive a gayish style" and ... as many others ... is not able to understand wha tthe HSI says to me
I have the same issue with my partner. He drives a mustang and likes to drive like a race car driver. I get sighs from the passenger seat when we are in the Prius and I'm driving too slowly. LOL
are you sure you want talking about me and my driving habits because I was the exact same way wife on me couldn't stop speeding I had to be faster than the next guy now everything's changedsince we got our pre S four everything has done a 180 in my driving habits it's great . Enjoy I am.
That's the genius of the Prius. They have effectively designed it to make the driver aware of the consequence of pushing the throttle down. The power train is only a part of it. You could put the Prius instruments and throttle design in a 5.0L Mustang and improve the fuel mileage significantly.
I'm a new Prius driver also. I think the reason to drive aggressively is mostly gone when I am in the Prius. After all, the car is meant for FE and not speed. I have to admit though the speed demon still comes out now and then, and to my surprise, the Prius has plenty of zip to it. I go through mpg guilt every time I let my Prius loose and promise myself I'll drive with more discipline. It's like trying to quit smoking for the 10th time
Hmm, my future wife is a bit of a hotrod behind the wheel - especially with sudden stops. I warned her to give herself plenty of room to stop and brake gently in case the wheels hit some gravel and the system does the scary transition from regen to friction braking. I don't think she really drives any slower when driving the Prius, though. LOL
The prius definitely has the get up and go power, i never saw myself driving one. Now i enjoy driving this car and pass through the gas stations with a smirk on my face After all the research done before buying a vehicle, i came to the conclusion that this car pays for itself faster than any other car, while still being a joy to drive. I can definitely relate to this.
First off let me give you the fingers.. first the middle one for the past, then the thumbs for noticing and consciously making the change! I was a more aggressive driver before but always used my speed wisely where it made a difference.. or thought it would.. what I found, even when I speed to pass, I only find myself only slightly ahead or behind the car I passed later! What a waste.. after noticing this, I already started changing my habits in my previous car and this carried over to the Prius. Big difference now is I always get the huge gains of serious FE! I averaged around 23-25 mpg before. Now around 43-45 and I think it's improving.