My IPhone 4 has been working fine on my PIP for 6 months but today when I press the button on the stearing wheel she ask me to say a prompt and I say call Mary then she says call Mary, but then nothing else happens, it used to dial the number and I could talk, this happend to me 10 months ago and I took it to the dealer and a sales man came out and fixed it in about 30 seconds, I can't remember what he did
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Thanks Guys, I tried for 1/2 hr. yesterday with no luck, I will try again latter today,(I've been super busy) I will bring my Lap Top ( UTube) out to the car and hopefully I will get it going again
I too have an iPhone. The same thing happened to me when I went out of town. I un-synced my phone and then re-synced it and its be fine ever since.