Items needed for this mod: 1 Roll of Blue Painters Tape Newspaper Razor Blade Pen/Pencil TESTORS 1605 Candy Apple Red Spray Enamel 3OZ Brand New TESTORS 1261 Glosscote Clear Lacquer 3OZ Spray Brand New First, tape off the tail lights over the reverse light and mask off the back of the car: (Excuse the dirty car) Trim the tape covering the reverse light with a razor blade. (I used a gift card for the uniform round edges(Also, obviously I cut the shape before masking off the entire car) One light misty coat of the TESTORS 1605 Candy Apple Red Spray Enamel 3OZ Brand New This is after two coats: Spray a coat or two of the TESTORS 1261 Glosscote Clear Lacquer 3OZ Spray Brand New Here is with the brake lights on: And all unmasked and cleaned up: Overall I'm VERY pleased with the result and the lights are still nice and bright. I probably will colorsand the surface with some 2000 grit wet paper in a couple days after they have fully cured.
Very nice. If I did this, I'd probably mask off the red reflectors on the bottom as well to preserve the reflective properties in the interest of safety and legality. Also, how do the amber turn signals look through the red lens? Would changing the bulb to clear or red be warranted?
I would have removed the tail lights. I hope it lasts. Last time I did a set of tail lights like that it started fading after a year. Then I had to redo it again. Eventually gave up on that kind of mod.
The only problem with painting the outside is that they will fade. I painted the tails of my xB that way the first time and it didn't take long for the color to fade. The second time, I used the candy apple to paint, but I actually pulled the lens from the housing and painted them from the inside. It was way cleaner, no fade and perfectly shiny.
Very nice, I'm waiting for night shade myself. I wouldn't worry too much about the fading. It is too easy to repaint. I mean there are many who plastidip their car
Thanks for the replies guys! Could have been cheaper too.. most hobby/craft stores (Michael's etc) sell this stuff for $4.99 a can. I couldn't find any after a couple of attempts (sold out) so I just ordered online. So really.. it could be a $10 mod. You're probably right on the reflectors. Here is the turn signal picture from this morning: Yes. I did one coat with it taped off. And then one coat with the tape removed to seal the edges. Just used a piece of cardboard to shield the car from overspray. I was going to remove the tail lights... but I really was excited to do it last night and I was running out of time/day light. So I just masked everything off carefully. If anyone doesn't have the patience to get the masking done perfectly then I highly recommend taking the tails off. I spent most of the hour waiting for paint to dry and masking the car. I'm hoping the clear helps to keep it nice and shiny and fade a little slower... if it fades I'll probably just repaint them, or take em off and wrap them. We'll see how it goes.
The clear does help, but it still fades fairly quickly. I used excessive amounts of clear coat layers on my 96 integra, which did help, but it also makes the shade a lot darker. Perhaps if you constantly wax it, it'll hold up?
Yeah, I do not know. I'll be sure to post back if it doesnt hold up. I am going to colorsand them this weekend and cut em with some 3M rubbing compound and put a nice coat of quality wax after that. If they fade, they fade. It didn't cost much of anything and I still have plenty of extra. Could always try something else. I'm sure the paint would strip right off with some carb cleaner on a rag or something.
The only thing I worried about was having a hard time removing the paint 100% if I don't like it, or if I smoked it too dark. But since I'm not going to sand the surface before painting, I think I should be alright. I've been looking up some finishing coats. Clear coat with lacquer or enamel. Which one do you guys think gives it a more original looking smooth and shinny glass surface look? Do you think sealant would work to finish it all off?