The power consumption while at rest it's negligible, why to bother? In order to make a real difference, you should disconnect ALL Pwr Transformers from the wall( phone chargers as an example) to start seeing a difference in the electrical meter in a months time.
Add to that cable boxes, TVs, video recorders, stereos, microwaves and anything else not used all the time and watch how fast the consumption drops. I put a lot of stuff on power strips to offset the PIP charging and my electric bill dropped $5-$6 a month, even with the car charge.
As recently stated, you should commit yourself to some sort of inconveniences in order to see a savings
The killawatt meter we use isn't really accurate at low figures, but it indicates about 1-2 watts when not charging the PIP. If I'm taking a short trip and will return in under an hour- I don't unplug the EVSE.
It is 1.4 watts for the EVSE in standby mode. If you charge for 3 hours then leave the EVSE plugged in the other 21 hours of the day (instead of uplugging it), then you will be consuming ~3 kw-hrs for the car and about 30 watt-hrs for the EVSE or about 1% extra. Of the 3kw-hrs about 300 watt-hours is lost to waste heat when charging the battery. Mike