This winter? I purchased a block heater but was to lazy to get installed. lowest temperature here in minot, ND this winter was like -25 F(not counting wind chill) Lowest MPG on a tank I got this winter: 30.1 MPG(still better than my 2000 honda accord in the summer!)
I live in southern Ontario, my worst tank so far was in January, 39.9mpg. Things are finally stating to improve with the weather, though: my last tank was 48mpg (calculated), although the car tries to boost my ego and has reported 50 for my last two tanks
Per tank and not per trip? Our worst winter tank was 50.8 with temps ranging from mid-20s to upper 50s.
Some trips were in the 30s. But the car was stuck in the mid 40s but not it's at 53 I have been resetting the trip at each fill up now as opposed to just letting the trips go on and on.
My Trip A (First tank after fill up) the computer said avg 41mpg, I only have 25 miles range left and I fill up the tank to 8.6 gallon and I have use 329 miles on the Trip A so I figure I only get 38.25 mpg... :-( I mostly drive highway at 70-75 miles per hour,.. Can't drive slow since everyone here drive 80-85 Does this sounds ok?
I say the same thing.. on certain roads you just can't do 50/55! I'm tempted to try this out too.. what's the lowest I can do zipping around? For Prius HB, it was around 37?
I got 39 mpg one tank this winter. That was actual, not the readout on the dash. Cold and windy that entire week. Mostly got 45 on each tank. Now we are back up to 50, depending on how much I get to drive verses my wife. She is not attentive to mileage. On a 60 mile round trip today I got 60 driving 55 mph on 2 lane country roads. That is about normal. 55 mph is really a great speed for mileage. dan
I was at 43-45 mpg/tank from when I got my c2 (January) 'til the end of March. I'm in Northeast Ohio where the weather gets pretty awful - cold and rain/snow/slush everywhere (damn Lake Erie). Since then, it's been at 50-60. My drives are mostly 9 miles to/from work (first and last 1.5 are city, rest if highway) or 140-mile highway trips with some mild hills at 55-ish when on the interstate (record is 62 mpg) and 45-50 when I take the state route way (record is 65mpg).
I have repeatedly gotten only ~33 MPG on a 150 mile trip to my parents house at 75MPH. In Fact for the entire winter, I reset trip B and my winter MPG was 40.7. I am getting 48.1 for the month of April so far.