When I bought my PIP it already had some kind of Paint coating (protection) and they said not to wax it for 5 years, I would really like to wax it now, would it be harmful to wax it? I got it in May 12 and iI keep it in the garage thanks Dennis
I have Simoniz "glass coat" on my 2012 Prius"v." It would do more harm than good to wax it. It is NOT needed. Washing it regularly is all that's needed.
The paint by itself and clear coat are very thin coatings and road debris scratches DO show and a lot. Unfortunately I have a dark gray color and minimal defects and scratches are a nightmare for me. I'm trying to protect the "painted surfaces" as much as possible with a lot of products. It's just ME.
Ok, please go ahead and wax your car to your hearts content. Those miracle glow coat treatments the dealers sell you are nothing but snake oil. Use a high quality non abrasive wax. Meguairs Tech wax is a decent way to go on a new car, but Mothers, Adam's, California Car Cover, and Griots all have great products. Go on the Meguairs website, or the Griots website for some great tips on products and procedures. A high quality wax will always do your paint a favor, and not damage it.
If you're talking about Xzylon, the manufacturer states that using carnuba was is acceptable and does not void the manufacturer warranty.
Yeah right! You're behind the times in technology. Polysiloxane Coating > Home Hydrophobic Polysiloxanes Coating, Oleophobic Polysiloxanes Coatings, Repellency polysiloxanes Treatment - Aculon
No need. I bought two bottles of eBay. It sheds water as is. It's really slick. Bugs rub right off of it with just water and a sponge. I have enough, so I can easily recoat it. It's very easy to apply. It clear and leaves no white waxy residue. It sold only by dealers of about $500 with the 5 year guarantee. The guarantee cost about $300. So, some ari selling it on eBay for about what it cost from Simoniz. No waxing for me!
I stand by my original comments, the probabillity of a present day OEM paint job failing within the first five years is extremely low. What's the guarantee amount and exactly what is it guaranteeing? At $500 a pop they can afford a hell of a large insurance policy. I can assure you that NONE of the paint manufacturers recommend that product. Again waxing your car with a High Quality non abrasive wax will never hurt it.
Okay, I get there's no NEED. I also get that the manufacturer has convinced you that there will be no waxing for you. But CAN you wax it?
I guess some people like the added security, just as someone who puts Scotchgard on their carpet and seats or a state-of-the-art polymer coating over a perfectly finished clear coat. I've never seen wax not "stick" to a polymer. Are you saying it rolls right off? Do you have any evidence of this?