Recently saw a comercial about a turbo charged hybrid (make ??) but in the commercial it shows a RV and this turbo charged hybrid following behind a Prius. A passing lane comes up and the RV and Turbo hybrid pass the Prius. What a bunch of BULL. A Prius is no slouch for power on the highway. BEWARE this commercial is deceiving and giving prius a bad name. I drive a 2013 Prius2 and pass several gas hogs on the highway no problem.
Condition allow. Simply put, just drive with the flow of the traffic don't try to hypermile it. Hypermiling is what gives the Prius a negative stigma.
That's the VW Jetta Hybrid ad. It actually shows the obnoxious Prius [edit: Insight] holding up a large RV which then gets passed by the family in the Jetta after completing its pass.
If you hypermile in a forest and no one is around did you really hypermile? Hypermiling when you are not impeding traffic is fine. That means anyone behind you. The rest of the time hypermile all you can if you want. I did a trip yesterday that was 59mpg when I found the road conditions conducive. The day before I did a trip to the coast on windy & steep Oregon secondary roads. First time I undid the zipper on the car and it was scooting. Also kicked in the steering assist for the first time. Not like my 345hp Firebird, but fun. NO ONE tried to pass me.
Then modify your opinion to read "if you drive in a congested area". Until the idiots driving at 80mph plus want to pay for my fuel they will have no say in how I drive. So until then I'll stick to the speed limit.
I'm not a big believer in common sense actually being worth anything anymore. Better to spell things out for people. LOL Now get out of my right lane you speed demon. I'm trying to hypermile here!
Right lane hypermile no problem, but definitely too many doing this in the left lane from what I can see. There is a Facebook group completely dedicated to bashing left lane Prius drivers. (slow ones) I am the only one that's defending our image in that group. Left Lane Prius | Facebook
In my old cars I used to put the cruise at 5-7 over the speed limit and ride in the left lane to avoid the semis (not allowed in the left lane for most of my 50 mile commute). Got tailgated some but they backed off right away when we want through one of the fairly frequent speed traps and I kept them from a ticket. In my new Prius I stay in the right or center lane and DWL pr pulse and glide where possible. Most of the speed demons are by me so fast they just think I'm driving a bit slower and it's no problem because I'm not in the left lane. Truthfully, I don't care about "impeding" the flow of 80+mph traffic. These idiots need to slow the hell down