Wow! That's some amazing mileage for a v! Imagine the mileage you could get if you released the parking brake!
I now have 2000 miles on my new one and only receeive 38.6 avg. STILL waiting for 40 on a noemal day. I can get it temp. by driving like a grandma, but not driving normally like you are supposed to.
Michele de Lucca-Lowrey - With such a French name, I shall assume your are operating you fuel-sipper in the cold northlands of Canada. Your 38.6 MPG number is essentially the MPG of the 1.8-Liter I4 if it were to be operated without the benefit of the Hybrid Synergy Drive assisting it to deliver higher MPG/Liters Per 100 Miles. What this tells me is that your gasoline engine is running nearly full time. This may hurt your feelings a bit, but I would guess that it is not your Prius v(vee) that is delivering 38.6 MPG, but one Michele de Lucca-Lowrey's "Lead Foot." Yes, I am sure the cold Canadian Temperate Zone climate is a contributor, but the biggest contributor is probably your Gas-To-Go/Brake-To-Stop Driving Technique & Practices. You need to start driving "Hybrid $marter." Click on the link to the Ten Tips Guide in Dr. Catgic's signature. Then Read, Heed, Put The Ten Tips To Practice, Top Off You Gas Tank, Reset The Trip Button, Take Two Aspirins, and report back to me when you fill up your gas tank again. If you do start driving "Hybrid $mart," per the Ten Tips Guide, your fuel economy will likely be up into the 40s MPGs when you fill up your tank again.