65.2 mpg this past week with a tech witnessing the display in the car.... All pulse & glide... when he reported to coworkers I was "just driving" they were in shock. Game on! Thank Gawd the MPGs are on the steady increase... spring must be here!
I'm so jealous, in fact my MPG had dropped! Frustrating. Any tips? By the way that is so great! Very proud of your achievement.
Are you running the A/C now or did you start getting more rain? Generally mpg goes up as temps increase unless you start using the A/C heavily.
March temps were below average, we also had more rain. Took a trip with 3 people and we went through a lot of rain. So I had to defogger the windshield all the time. The trip was several hundred miles.
Thanks! The good weather is coming. We live in Jacksonville, Fl. Here's the thing, i thought Ocean eyes lived in a northern state. Her fuelly record is amazing.
We are dry here... no need for defogging or heat until today as we are below 40F and it showed in today's mileage.
I am in southeastern CT... my boyfriend is certified to repair "hybrids" (which I learned Toyota has the market on that title) and he was in shock at what I was getting MPG wise and reported such to his coworkers as he was a witness. Kool Aid, anyone?! My current commute to and from work is 9.8 miles (maybe a bit more on the way home on my banking days) and on a 10 mile trip I did that stellar 92 mpg last year (the car data and the Fuelly data were in close alignment) in a non PiP.... and I was not going slower than the speed limit. Happy to say I am bonded with my Prius...
Wow, I and I'm sure the others would like to pronounce you as the " Prius Goddess" or " Prius Queen" that is one tough act to follow.
Aye. Keep it up! You only need to average 60mpg over 500 miles to get into our little club. Top 20 - MPG Record Holders | PriusChat
It would be an honor, warm weather is here and if I can keep the girl out of the driver seat, I may have a shot at it. But when the wife gets behind the wheel, I cringe as I watch the MPG draining out her lead foot. LOL
That's right.. I shouldn't feel so bad about my poor MPG.. I'm just competitive.. hills and stop and go lower it substantially. Every time I go up hill to get home, it lower those a few tenths! Cruising continuously between 30-50, I can see it jump right up.
I've heard that the winter blend gas makes mpg awesome on warmer days but then mpg will drop a little once the summer blend comes out. Hope this isn't true. I've had great numbers as well now that spring is here.
That was not my experience last spring. It gets much better as it gets warmer. Had one of my first "above freezing" morning drives today.
My average MPG improves dramatically in the warm months, we have had a number of days over 50 degrees here lately and my average has risen noticeably. As bad as all the hilly highway travel is for my average, cold weather seems to be the biggest factor.