3424 miles on a full tank of gas. OK, I didn't really fill up at this point (I chickened out and filled up at 8 gallons). But this is how far I would have gone on 10.4 gallons of gas. I got to 635 miles in HV before it clicked over to 11 gal. So that is 57.7 mpg on gas and 192 watt-hours per mile on EV. A net of over 320 mpg (excluding kwh). But I still got well over 3000 miles on 8 gallons. I could have made it to 4000, except I went on two ~100 miles trips in the last month (SJ -> SF and back). Mike
That means you'll be getting an oil change every 1800 ICE miles. Quite a waste of synthetic oil indeed. Might as well drain and put in another car. That's still good oil.
This is completely Awesome! My goal is to do this; but I'm still resolving the "living on top of a hill" issue -- where engine kicks in when it should not. Thanks for proving my goals are possible. I'm assuming you drive in the peninsula more where it's flatter, and not too much in SF? Any advice?
I'm around San Jose, Sunnyvale area. Advice...6 mile commute mostly. Also charge a second or third time each day when you run errands. Mike
The first 5 oil changes are free, but I would hope Toyota would change the guidelines to make sense and not waste good oil. Mike
I was being facetious. In all seriousness, to generate that kind of EV ratio, it would typically take over a year to get to 10k miles. Toyota doesn't recommend running on oil that is over a year old. It's a time expiration and not mileage. Unless you got a better deal than the rest of us, the first two oil changes are free. The other 3 "free" services are just inspections and tire rotations.
That sounds like us. We charge once overnight and use that up on the morning drive. Then we get another full charge before the afternoon drive. Then we get a third full charge for the day before any evening driving. Almost all our trips are 3-5 miles one way (so usually max 10 miles round trip). The hills are the tricky thing. Last night I ran an experiment (when the roads were empty at midnight). Beginning with full charge from my home Level 1; I drove as conservatively as possible from my home to Crissy Field. This is 7 miles. On the way there I made it with 5 miles remaining. I did a full charge at the free charge station (Level 2). Good opportunity for some reading and emails. On the way home I again drove very conservatively (ECO on as well). I made it home -- just barely -- with less than 1/2 mile remaining. It's all about the hills. Crissy Field is at sea level and my house is at 500ft. So downhill most of the first trip and uphill most of the second. The last .8 miles went through 3 miles of displayed range because it's quite steep. Much of that last .8 I was going about 10 miles per hour to try to extend range (lucky it was after 1am by then). Luckily our daily driving isn't as extreme as the Crissy Field example (so that is pretty much worst case). But we also drive relatively normal speeds during daylight to avoid drawing the ire of our neighbors. We are enjoying our PiP greatly even when there are surprises. It's a huge learning experience. I'm becoming a lot more conscious of how much energy we were expending zooming up these hills before we had the PiP. No wonder our old Civic was only getting like 20 MPG in the city.
Impressive efficiency from both fuels. Impressive EV ratio (82%). How many psi are you running on those tires?
5 free services in first 25 months. Due for my second one in a couple of weeks...they changed the oil on the first one. I would hope they do it only every second one after that. Mike
After reading this I set mine to same. It seems to be helping us! They were in the low 30's from the dealer. I asked my wife if she thought the ride was rougher and she did not. The roads are so bumpy in SF that I don't think it effects the ride much. Thanks again Mike.
Acutally...I had several fillups in early August (long trip), then one in early October and one in late February. I miss my gas station. Not. Mike