N. Korea back in the online news headlines again - I guess they've become overly newsworthy once more, so I am backing off my statement on previous page. Subs. I'll bet there are subs from many nations on duty in those waters. Makes for great training, either way this goes.
CNN analyst says that once it launches satelite tracks it and if it is projected to hit any of our assets or allies assets we will shoot it down, if it's going to land in the ocean we leave it alone. However the ani American rhetoric from NK is very strong. The USA is towning down it's rhetoric.
I think we, or anonymous, should shoot any rockets down as soon as they exit NK airspace. Put a condom on the boy.
I'm sure that they would just say "No Comment." In fact...they really only need a couple. The boat in my avatar would be an interesting choice. SSGN-726 class. 154 Tomahawks would send a pretty clear message, and I like what they're doing with some of the special (i.e. non or low lethality) warheads. Concur. I'm pretty sure we have that covered. One of the 2 Burkes that we have in the area could probably get that job done...but as previously pointed out, any rocket whose trajectory ends in a water landing is probably left alone....which to date has been ALL of them. That's one of the really cool things about Israel's Iron Dome system. They don't waste ordinance on rockets that will miss populated areas. One of the lessons we learned when we were 'Scud hunting'..... You don't need to use a tank on a rabid dog. Sometimes a .22 rifle is better.
There's a good article in today's Sydney Morning Herald (lifted from the British Telegraph) about Kim Jong-un's aunt and uncle, who may be the nutcases behind the curtain. Kim Jong-un: Who's really behind him? | North Korea Also, Xi Jinping's speech in Bo'ao was interesting: he didn't mention North Korea by name, but it was pretty clear who he meant: Chinese Issue Veiled Warning To North Korea. And something else... What will China do if North Korea strikes against South Korea and the USA? | adelaidenow This is a badly-written by article by someone who knows very little about China (News Ltd has been struggling with China since it lost Michael Sainsbury). But this paragraph is the one to note. In both diplomatic language and, even more so, in Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statements, "regrettable" is not a "mild rebuke". "Regrettable" is pretty much the worst word you can say. If you're in a pub and a Chinese MOFA person says "Did you spill my pint? That was regrettable," you're going to get your head kicked in. So China is becoming more and more open about its disapproval of NK.
Interesting CNN video on how War may play out. NK has a Million man army the 5th largest in the world more than Russia, and 8.2 Million reserves the largest in the world the USA only has 850,000 reserves. CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A reserve force of 8 million in a country with a population of 24.5 million is nothing more than the government considering that they own every single male body that can walk as a solder. They may count that many bodies as reservists, but they sure as heck cannot cloth, feed, and transport a fraction of that number for any real purpose.
And the technology? If it's 20+ years behind South Korea and the US, those number are a lot less impressive. Just ask Iraq.
There is that little detail on all those artillery tubes pointed south.. They can drop 500,000 shells in an hour.......ouch!