So this is not a major rattle but it is annoying enough to motivate me to fix it. The forward most cup holder in the 2012 Prius doesn't have a rubber pad on the bottom like the cup holder behind it. When I place soda cans or even empty coffee travel containers in it they will vibrate or rattle. Placing them in the cup holder in the rear does not produce a rattle. Unfortunately I cannot always use that cup holder because of a passenger's beverage. The cheap fix follows.... 1 - 9x12" Adhesive Foam Sheet ($0.89) from arts & craft supply store. It's harder than typical foam but softer than rubber. Step 1. I used a brand new roll of electric tape as a template to draw the semi-circle. It fits almost perfectly! Place the roll of electrical tape against the top left corner and you'll see how you need only trace the bottom of the roll to get the shape you want. The cup holder is only rounded at the 6 o'clock position and flat at the 12 o'clock position. Step 2. Cut out the foam. The test fit before peeling off the backing paper! If it doesn't fit correctly then go back to step 1. Step 3. Place the square end into the cup holder and secure it in place then press the rounded end into place. With the flash on my camera it makes the foam look a lot lighter than it appears in person. Besides, it's at the bottom of the cup holder so who gives a damn? Step 4. optional - Cut a long rectangular piece of foam to line the sides of the cup holder. I'm not sure if this will help but I hate rattles and it is worth a try. If your favorite travel mug barely fits now then skip this step. Use the extra material to fix rattles throughout the car. Good spots to use it are the license plate and frame, between the flying buttress and center console etc..
I've been meaning to ask...if that's a cup holder, why does it have a cover on it? I've been combing convenience stores for an ultra-short super-seekrit drink with no luck. Any idea where I can get one to that fits? Until I get an answer, I guess I'll just have to throw my bluetooth and loose change in there...
To clean up appearances when not in use? My arms are long so it's more comfortable to use that one rather than the one behind AND because short cups basically disappear in the rear one! Ever put a Starbucks tall mocha cup in there? You need forceps to get it back out. So I use a handle less travel mug I got from Target or Marshall's. I have another with a handle and it fits in the front cup holder but not the rear.
Funny you should mention that. I stopped at Starbucks the other day to try a Hazelnut Macchiato, ordered the tall size, placed it in the rear cup holder and all I could see was the lid. After I played hell trying to get it back out, I did open the front holder and put it in there. If you ask me, I think Starbucks and Toyota are in cahoots in order to get you to default to the grande size.
LOL I bet thousands of people have done it and probably thought the same thing. Now I'm off to figure out how to stop the HUD bezel from rattling....
i put an apple in the rear cup holder and cannot get it out. it just spins and is just slightly smaller in diameter than the cupholder. i think i need an ez out. at least it doesn't rattle, and eventually should shrivel up enough to get hold of it.
I did this exact mod with the same type of foam sheet purchased from a craft store. I guess great minds think alike LOL.
I did that right after someone here mentioned they added padding. My two front cupholders, door bottle holders and both gloveboxes are lined in that soft foam (might be thinner than yours F8L). I didn't stick it to the bottom so that I can remove it and wipe it down in case the beverage spills (which it has on occasion if it was filled to the brim and the lid was a flimsy one that doesn't prevent leaks). I really miss the felt-lined glovebox of the Gen 2.
I had the same problem, and independently came to much the same solution. I used some leftover rubber roofing instead of foam, but that is what I was going to recommend for those without. Here is a template that I came up with.