Thanks! Yeah, that came tinted. I think it was an extra $200 for it. I know, right? All the dealerships around the New Orleans area like to tag the cars. I've already found a way to take that off...just gotta get around to doing it.
I was thinking the same thing as andreyco when I looked at the pic. You can make the dealer take that off for you. I remember I specifically told the dealership when I bought a truck a few years back not to put the vinyl logo on, but they did anyway, so I make them take it off. I'd make them do it, that way if the finish gets damaged, they're liable. If I'm going to advertise for them they'd better give me a heck of a deal on the car (not that I would buy a car otherwise).
Thanks for the advice! I'll bring it to the dealer again. Brought it out there earlier today to see if they can disable the reverse beep. For safety reasons, "there's no way to change that."
They lied. It can be changed to a single beep. There's a few threads around here on how affect this. The dealer can do it or there are methods do it via Bluetooth, one being the Torque app on Android.
It's a "lie". There's a custom config sheet. It's floating around here somewhere. There actually a lot of customization feature including this back up beep! It's more distracting than helpful.
I called my dealer yesterday and set up an appointment to change the reverse from continuous beeping to a single beep and the get rid of the seat belt beeping warning. They're doing it for free but warned me that disconnecting the 12V battery will clear the settings.
Oh yes, I didn't want to go too dark so I chose 35%. Maybe a little too much lights are coming in since this Prius has more glass area than my previous G37 which had the same 35%, but it's ok. I'd rather have more lights than tickets.
A little touch if JDM. It's actually suppose to on the front and rear. But come to find out the hatch is not metal and the magnet won't stick
I found 35% to be just right. Keep them guessing if it's tinted. I know at certain angles it look light. In your photo, it def. looks dark.
It might be illegal here, but the cops here don't care unless it's way too dark. What's the legal % in Ohio BTW?
50% on the front side windows, unlimited on the rear side and back window. Out here it's pretty well enforced. It really bothers my OCD to see different tint percentages on the front and rear side windows.
OT, but while we're discussing it, I read somewhere that the Prius wheel design enhances the MPGs. Any truth to this? If you were out to get max MPGs, wouldn't it be unwise to sport aftermarket wheels?