Do remember that preference for thinness or fatness is a cultural view. At one time even here, fat (or at least chunky or stout) was a sign of health, wealth, and power. Thinness indicated ill health, poverty, inadequate food, or physical weakness. For the non-elite of NK, this may still be the dominate cultural view. Our Western preference for thinness didn't evolve until our living standards rose to the level where even most of the poor could get enough calories to gain weight, and the health toll from affluence and overeating exceeded the toll from malnutrition. NK is not in this situation. The kids in the Campbell Soup artwork were originally very chunky. Then they got thinner, but are now gone.
I wish the entire world would just ridicule them until they came to their senses...wait - they are oblivious to the outside world. Maybe they realize this attempt at being a bada$$ has backfired, but don't want to lose face, although I think they lost face long ago.
A ridiculed cornered rat is still dangerous, particularly when it has a million man army and mentally unstable leadership.
^ just venting - wish it would work. If the NK leadership is seeking respect - it's backfiring. This seems to be the expertise we need to deal with them...
The NK now shut down a SK & NK joint factory located in NK. NKorea refuses to let SKoreans enter joint factory - Yahoo! News Somehow NK does not like the war training that occurs between the USA and SK, Japan and Taiwan. Well best they get used to it. ---- What the opinion if war breaks out? Lets say NK invades SK, the USA enters the war, and China gives military equipment to NK, and Russia and Europe remain neutral. Japan and Taiwan enter high alert. China considers repatriating it's islands that Japan claims as sovereign land and repatriating Taiwan. What type of outcome?
Don't forget that we are seeing only the outside face of a power struggle that includes considerable internal happenings mostly hidden from us. Some of what we see is driven by domestic needs or internal factional strife, and isn't necessarily a reflection of their real intentions towards the outside. But since even internal squabbles can turn out very badly and spill toxic debris far outside, we do need to be ready for just about anything that goes haywire.
Just an excuse. There's fat, fat or FAT. A few extra pounds (literally) isn't an issue and a health image of someone with a 'fuller figure' isn't too bad, but to have over a third of your (and mine) population so fat they struggle to walk to their car, or even just can't get out of bed is a disgrace. That sort of massive fatness is not a cultural preference, it's plain lazyness. It's a free world and I'm sure people can do what they want to their body and if that means filling it with junk, then so be it. Just don't expect me to be inconvenienced by them or pay to put them right. Harsh but true. Sorry.
I've lost two and a half stone (35 lbs) and if I can do it, then anyone can. I suppose I'm an evangelical slimmer and like any evangelist, I become blinkered.
I would like to present the (Oh) Dear Leader with the cat 2nd from right...said cat reminds me of another past leader just as mental.
BMI is a little off as a tool. A NFL running back may be border line obese. But I do agree we need to slim down a little to avoid disease