A bit of a daft question, but is there a great reason to carry the brick of an owner's manual in the car? Have many of you removed it? Everytime I check the cabin filter the heavy brick of a packet causes the door to come crashing down. I really can't think of a great reason to carry it. I suppose I could relocate it to under the mat in the trunk, but for the moment it is on my bookshelf. Good spot for it, bad spot, indifferent? I suppose the issue is how valuable is it if the car breaks down. I don't imagine much.
That is actually a very good question. Like you, I remove the manual brick and lay it on the floor each time that I check the cabin air filter. There is no good reason that it needs to be in the glove compartment. You just need to be able to get to it when you need it. I think I will follow your suggestion and move mine to the tray under the cargo deck. Thank you for the suggestion.
The owner's manual, a "brick"? Causes the glove compartment to "come crashing down"? A bit over-dramatic, don't you think? This thread is just silly...
I'd be inclined to leave it in there. Depends on your circumstances I guess. I consult a pdf version a lot more, but my wife likes to dig it out to check stuff.
Curious, I checked it out. The manual pack weighs more than 2 pounds US -- that is 36.xx ounces according to my scale. It really seems to be a bit on the borderline as far as weight for the dashbox. Not to say the box itself can't hold it, but when you unfasten the eartabs to get behind the box that weight crashes down with only the pneumatic arm to hold (yes, I know, take out the manual first... )
I had occasion to look up a fuse location (in the middle of a snow squall no less) and it was nice to have it handy. Having it in the glove box also gave me better winter traction than if it had been in the back.
This is where Toyota should steal from Honda. The Honda Fit has a "Secret Compartment" under the back seat, which does fold up. This not so secret, secret compartment is just about useless for anything.....except it coincidentally is the perfect size to hold the owners manual. It's great, out of sight, out of mind...unless I need it. I'm paranoid, so I think it's always "nice" to have the owners manual with you...just incase. But I don't want it in my glove compartment or rattling around anywhere noticeable. Anyway, Why not just have a "built in" spot for the manual. If an owner doesn't want to keep it there? The option to NOT do it always exists.
Bollocks. It can hold 10x that weight. Shouldn't you be off worrying about contrails or fluoride in your water?
I do agree the manual is heavy and bulky. When I check the cabin filter, I basically leave everything in the glove box. I open it, squeeze the sides enough to get it past the stops, then unhook the plastic damper, then pull the glove box straight off of the hinges and lower it down to the floor and let it rest against my legs. After that I am free to pull the filter, knock the dust, leaves, etc. off of it and stuff it back in. Then I reverse the order and close the glove box. The only thing in there is the manual, a small LED flashlight, one 2 pack of 5 Watt wedge bulbs, and a few thin jewel cases for some CD's. It took a couple of tries before I figured out how to pull the glove box without dumping everything on the floor, but now it is pretty simple to me. But I do agree that the manual is heavy and bulky. As far as whether one should keep it in the glove box or elsewhere, I would say that each one of us has a choice in that matter. Good point's well taken from all. I disagree that this thread is silly.
...says the guy who is still confused on the concept of the apostrophe. What next, a poll to see how many milliliters of fluid one keeps in his windshield washer reservoir? A thread of tire stem cap pictures? I'm starting to think public opinion is spot on... that Prius owners (myself included) are nutters.
Ok, you got me on that one. English was not one of my better subjects. But since you mentioned it, I won't speculate on the milliliters of fluid but will say that I try to keep mine full You don't have to be crazy to own a Prius, on the other hand why not?
A person could put a pdf version of it on their iDevice or other electronic device that can function as a reader.
This works well because it allows for text searches. The paper version is a pain in the butt to navigate (let's see, would this be Essential Information, Driving Information, Driving Procedures or Using Other Driving Systems?). A good fallback (if said device has internet access) is to bookmark the Toyota site, owners' section. It's true that they broke the manual up into itty bitty chapters but one of those chapters is an alphabetical index that links to the appropriate pages in the documents.
I was just thinking about this the other day. I went to put something in the glove box and the it came crashing down. I was looking at the manual and was thinking to myself I never refer to it. It came to a point where I would just use the top one since I was tired of it coming down. So, I just took it out yesterday to put it in the drawer at home with all my service records. I haven't referred to the manual for a long time.
In a Gen II, it's a big plastic box on the left (passenger) side of the engine compartment. In a Gen III, all you see is the filler cap, at the front left of the engine compartment.