I have received two if this ... anyone has any opinion on this ??? I am not even sure I am in this "class".
I have received four of them for my one vehicle. Must be really important to send me four cards with four different case numbers. Maybe I will get four times whatever the settlement is. Which is nothing since I didnt have a runaway vehicle.
I actually got two because I had two priuii during this time but I think I am not part since I traded the older one before the date mentioned 2009 September 1
I also received one a few days ago. You can go to the website on the card to determine if you're part of the class.
We got'em for each of our Toyota's too. The last four numbers of the VIN for each car is listed in the second paragraph of the post card.
I received one yesterday and filed it under meh-be someday I'll get some use out of it. Once I read "unintended acceleration", I knew it wouldn't apply to me.
Personally, I would just throw them out. I've gotten two so far that I've thrown away. The scientific analysis done by NASA showed that nothing in the car's electronics caused any unintended acceleration. The lawyers proved in court the opposite...so they won and get to collect. I want no part of this. Mike
I was disappointed that I was not offered "Take me off the list so the lawyers get no money for representing me as part of the class".
I got one in the mail yesterday from Toyota. The instructions said to put it with my Prius other warranty info to have it avalible in case of failure of specific parts of the car.
that is must be something else these are NOT coming from Toyota these liars are trying to MILK toyota .. for absolutely NOTHING
And NASA knows what about Toyota's designs? Toyota spent decades on R&D and NASA can do it in one week?
See NHTSA-NASA Study of Unintended Acceleration in Toyota Vehicles | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and U.S. Department of Transportation Releases Results from NHTSA-NASA Study of Unintended Acceleration in Toyota Vehicles | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The latter mentions a 10 month study. I think NASA spent more than a week on this...
Okay...so the NHTSA and USDOT are better informed than Toyota's extensive and exhaustive R&D? I see...
Isn't it interesting how the link for filing a claim is there, but if you want to opt out you don't have a link and have to hunt the site to find out how to do it. I've always viewed class action lawsuits as nothing more than money grabs by lawyers. They're the only ones who really make out in these things.
Virtually all of the investigations for SUA, for all vehicles, have failed to find any mechanical flaw. The generally accepted root cause is pedal mis-application often exacerbated by some ergonomic issue such as pedal placement in certain Audi's and Jeeps. So could one sue for poor ergonomic design? This is a general question. I'm not suggesting that Prius has such a flaw.
It isn't that they are better informed. Toyota made the claims that the electronics could not be the cause. They then provided info/help to the agencies in order that they could do an independent 3rd party audit of the software and the design. What is wrong with that. There are many people who will never trust a company to say "yes our products are safe, trust us." Mike