I just want to circualate air. Everytime, I increase the speed of the fans, automatic temperature control kicked in. Any one know the proper way to bypass Temp control (no heat or AC)?
if everything is off, you should be able to press the fan speed button without anything else happening. someone else was complaining about this the other day. if auto comes on, one push should shut it off.
. Same problem here, but I see that in the beginning of the AC section in the thick book, everything seems to be dependent on the initial settings. I confess that I have not digested that section as it seemed to be beyond me. Tomorrow I will endeavor to comprehend it and then if you do the same we can compare notes. How's that sound?
again that is bypassing the system, there must be a settable temp to preclude all this off/on, and button pushing. If I don't find it tomorrow I have a appt. with Toyota at 0700 on Monday at dawn, six guns in hand.
That's another interesting point, I have never had a car where the windshield fogs up on the outside. Pg. 368. Owners manual.
Set the temp to LO, press the AC button to turn the AC off, then adjust the fan and mode. Make sure you do not press the filter button (next to the Mode button) by accident.
I think I got it. I turned the temp control to low, was able to increase fan speed to get cold air outside. The temp out is about 54, inside is around 60. AC was not on.