You were north on 71 today, merged to 60 west. I was in my 911 chasing you down doing 88 mph, you were still pulling away in the car pool lane. Once you got on the 60 you were GONE!!!! I tried to chase you down but no luck once you got into the car pool lane. You were really hauling butt! Good job on that quick pass on the bus too!
Or how about this one: "Officer, I figured my speedometer couldn't possibly be right when that Prius was pulling away from me at nearly 90 mph!" Or, "I was doing my civic duty by trying to catch up to the Prius to warn him he was speeding."
LOL! For sure the cop will pull me over and not the Prius. The Prius is just naturally slippery and falls under the radar. Can you imagine if there is an APB out for a white Prius what it would sound like over the radio? Dispatch - "Looking for a white speeding Prius traveling at 95mph", officer - "White Prius? There are 50 of them!"